Lipo Six Pack in Turkey

adbominal etching guide 1
Written by Laurence

Everything you need to know about abdominal etching in Turkey! What’s the average price in Istanbul? Our advice for a successful abdominal etching in Turkey. provides information on 6 Pack Liposuction in Turkey and helps you book an operation with qualified surgeons. This content is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional.

What is the price of 6 Pack liposuction in Turkey?

The average cost of Six Pack lipo in Istanbul, Turkey is €2,500. Depending on your needs, the price can vary from €2,000 to €3,000.

Six Pack liposuction2500 €
Belly liposuction2200 €
Liposuction of the hips2400 €
Liposuction of the pubis1400 €

What is Six Pack liposuction?

6 Pack liposuction is a liposuction that is mainly aimed at men. Like traditional liposuction, 6pack lipo uses a suction technique to remove fat deposits under the skin.

What makes abdominal liposuction unique are the results it aims to achieve. Tummy tuck liposuction is the second most popular cosmetic procedure in Turkey, with over 85,000 liposuction operations performed in 2021.

In brief:

  • Definition: Six pack liposuction (or “abdominal etching”) is a liposuction procedure that claims to sculpt and improve the appearance of your waistline and create six-pack abs.
  • Safety: This procedure is considered low risk, but there is a risk of side effects, such as irregular contouring, excessive swelling and infection.
  • Convenience: Abdominal engraving is generally performed on an outpatient basis, but does require some downtime for recovery. It is also essential to ensure that the procedure is performed by a trained and accredited surgeon with solid experience in Six pack liposuction.
  • Cost: This procedure is not usually covered by insurance, and studies indicate that it costs between €3,000 and €9,000. Treatment by an experienced surgeon in Turkey costs around €3,500 on average, compared with €7,000 in Europe.
  • Effectiveness: Research into the effectiveness of this procedure is limited. Small studies indicate that up to 98% of people are satisfied with the results.

Instead of removing fat from the mid-section of your body simply to achieve a slimmer appearance, abdominal liposuction removes fat deposits in an advanced and strategic way. This type of liposuction moulds and shapes your abdominal wall so that the abdominal muscles look more prominent.

Before and after photos

A little history …

For people who have tried unsuccessfully for years to achieve abs (the famous 6 pack) through diet and exercise, the idea of abdominal etching can be very appealing.

Abdominal engraving gained popularity in the 1990s. Since then, new technologies have enabled plastic surgeons to perform this type of liposuction with more consistent and predictable results. But results are highly variable, and not everyone is satisfied with their results.

The ideal candidate

As with any surgical procedure, two-pack lipo carries a risk of complications. The ideal candidate for abdominal engraving is a person in good health who does not smoke, has no life-threatening health problems and is not obese.

Abdominal engraving is best suited to people who are less than 30% of their ideal body weight, with healthy muscles and skin. Your age and the elasticity of your skin should also be taken into account to achieve good results.

People undergoing any form of liposuction should be in good enough health to safely undergo anaesthesia.

When estimating the cost of abdominal liposuction, don’t forget to take into account the time it will take you to recover from the procedure. The average recovery time is 1 to 2 weeks.

However, if you have a job that requires you to be on your feet, or if your recovery is more complicated than average, it’s not uncommon for you to need extra time.

How does abdominal engraving work?

Abdominal engraving, not to be confused withabdominoplasty, works in a similar way to traditional liposuction, but there is an important distinction. The fat deposits that cover your abdominal muscles are carefully cut away from your body, using small incisions usually based around your navel.

When done with care, this technique can deepen your body’s natural grooves and make your abdominal muscles appear much more prominent.

Fat deposits can also be removed from the sides overlying your oblique abdominal muscles to narrow your midsection. Once the swelling has subsided and the area has healed, you should see a visibly toned and prominent midsection.

Abdominal engraving surgery

Your abdominal engraving surgery will take about an hour, on average.

  1. While you are standing, your doctor will mark the areas that will be sculpted and enhanced. Your abs will be well defined, but in felt-tip pen. Once you are both satisfied with the result, you are ready to lie down and prepare for the operation.
  2. A foam dressing corresponding to the design of your body will then be applied to your body. You will be placed under general or local anaesthetic, depending on your preference and your surgeon’s recommendation.
  3. The skin on your tummy will be numbed as the doctor makes incisions, called ports, to access and remove the fat deposits. This will be done using a scalpel and a cannula pump (an instrument that drains fluid or fat deposits). The holes will be open until the end of the operation to drain the fat, liquid and blood from your body.
  4. Your incisions are then closed and dressed. A compression garment is applied to the middle part of your body to prepare the tummy for healing. The foam dressing that was applied before the operation remains under the compression garment.
  5. Once the fat has been removed and the anaesthetic has worn off, you will need to keep the compression garment on until your surgeon gives you the go-ahead to remove it, which is usually 4-6 weeks.

Areas targeted for abdominal engraving

Abdominal etching only targets the waist and midsection. The abdomen and obliques are most affected by this type of liposuction.

Risks and side effects

Abdominal liposuction is considered low-risk plastic surgery. But this does not mean that there is no risk of complications and side effects.

The most common side effects after liposuction such as abdominal etching are:

  • Damage to nerves and blood vessels
  • Discolouration of the skin
  • Irregular healing and orange peel skin
  • Irregular swelling
  • Fluid accumulation
  • Bruising or headaches due to the anaesthetic

You may also notice pus or discharge from the operated area. If the pus is greenish or yellowish, contact your surgeon.

Fever in the days following an abdominal incision may also be a sign of infection. Tell your surgeon about these side effects and seek emergency medical attention immediately if you think you have an infection.

What to expect after an abdominal incision

In 2019, only three published reports follow the results of people who have undergone abdominal engraving. The sample sizes for these studies were small, but the people who took part were satisfied with the results of the procedure.

In a 2019 study of 50 people who had the procedure, 98% of participants were satisfied with the results 27 months after the procedure.

Recovery from abdominal engraving takes some time. Immediately after the procedure, you may need to wear a compression garment to ensure that the plastic surgeon’s work seals and heals smoothly.

You will most likely be able to resume most of your normal activities two weeks after abdominal engraving.

One study has shown that you can resume your activities as quickly as 5 days after the operation, but advice may vary depending on your procedure.

In any case, avoid overly strenuous exercise until your doctor has given you the go-ahead. This includes anything that might contract the abdominal muscles, such as abdominal crunches.

After two to five months, you will be able to see the full results of your abdominal lift surgery. As the swelling subsides and your skin begins to adhere to its new shape, you should be able to see your abs more visibly and a tighter, more toned midsection.

Abdominal etching claims to produce permanent results, with a few caveats. Weight gain and pregnancy can erase the results of this procedure. What’s more, your body’s natural ageing process means that, in time, your abs may no longer be as defined and visible as they are just after the procedure.

Before and after photos

Preparation for abdominal engraving

Preparing for abdominal engraving is a similar process to preparing for traditional liposuction. The first part of the process involves a detailed consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon in Turkey. You will discuss your expectations for the procedure, as well as any special cautions regarding your body type and health issues.

For a fortnight before the operation, you should avoid taking aspirin, herbal supplements and any medication that may thin your blood and increase your risk of bleeding. Your doctor must be informed of all the medicines you are taking before the operation. You may also be advised to stop smoking if you currently smoke.

Before the operation, you will need to arrange a taxi to take you to and from the hospital and back home. Pain and swelling are minimal, but you will still not be allowed to drive home. For those having this surgery in Turkey or Tunisia, a taxi will be waiting for you after your operation to take you back to your hotel.

Six Pack VS Liposuction

Abdominal etching is similar to traditional liposuction in that the preparation for the operation, recovery time and procedure requirements are very similar.

The results of abdominal etching are much larger and more dramatic than those of traditional liposuction. It can also be more expensive and less convenient to find a provider trained in this specific procedure.

Abdominal etching is considered an advanced or 3D form of liposuction, which means the results are extremely specific and targeted to certain areas of your body.

Traditional liposuction is not as exact. However, it does mean that if the abdominal burn does not heal properly, or if your body heals in an inappropriate way, you are likely to need corrective surgery.

In a study of 512 cases of men who had abdominal etching procedures, only 3 people needed corrective surgery.

Need a 6pack in Turkey? We know a well-known Professor surgeon in Istanbul, with a fairly impressive success rate. Don’t hesitate to contact us by filling in the personalised quote form.

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About the author


My name is Laurence Tung. I'm a medical writer with a scientific background in several fields. I have recently covered therapeutic areas such as rheumatology and hypercholesterolaemia. I also have expertise in genomics, epigenetics, molecular biology and biochemistry. I help this site to publish quality articles on medical tourism.