Abdominoplasty in Turkey

abdominoplasty Turkey 2
Written by Émilie

Abdominoplasty is an operation to remove excess skin and fatty tissue from the abdominal area and to eliminate sagging of the anterior abdominal wall.

BestClinic.co.uk provides information aboutabdominoplasty in Turkey and helps you book an operation with qualified surgeons. This content is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional.

How much does abdominoplasty cost in Turkey?

The average cost of an abdominoplasty in Turkey is €2,800 in Istanbul. The procedure is carried out under general anaesthetic and lasts 1 to 2 hours. It includes an overnight stay in hospital. This average cost includes the anaesthetic, the operation and other related expenses such as medication and a support girdle.

Abdominoplasty2800 €
Mini-Abdominoplasty2500 €
Liposuction of the abdomen1900 €
Hip Liposuction1800 €


All professional sportsmen and women will tell you: belly fat is the hardest to get rid of. In some cases (repeated pregnancies, excess weight), it is simply impossible to regain a flat stomach.

When the excess fat is too great, you end up with unsightly excess skin that neither intense sport nor a draconian diet can fix. If this is the case, the dream of a flat stomach or chocolate bars may seem unattainable.

Femme touchant son gros ventre
A woman with a complex about her tummy

Science, and particularly cosmetic surgery, can work miracles.Abdominoplasty, cosmetic surgery of the stomach, is the best solution for regaining a flat stomach. A fairly invasive technique, it involves removing excess skin from the stomach by incision. The tummy is then freed of distended skin and excess fat.

While the cost of abdominoplasty remains a major obstacle to its widespread use in Europe, it is very popular in Turkey. As the birthplace of cosmetic surgery, the country is attracting many enthusiasts thanks to its medical tourism offers.

Une vue panoramique d'Istanbul
A magnificent view of Istanbul

On the banks of the Bosphorus, cosmetic surgery in Turkey costs 70% less than in France, Germany, Italy or Spain. What’s more, it is carried out using cutting-edge technology by experienced Turkish surgeons.

All the conditions are in place for a successful abdominoplasty abroad. So if you’re looking for a flat stomach, Turkey is the place to go! Focus on abdominoplasty in Istanbul.

Before and after photos

Everything you need to know about abdominoplasty in Turkey

After excessive weight gain, repeated pregnancies and significant weight loss, the skin and abdominal muscles become deformed. The skin loosens and sags and the muscles separate from each other, creating a tear in the tissue of the abdominal wall.

This is called diastasis. This wall is supposed to keep the internal organs well inside the belly, creating a flat abdomen. However, when it tears, the internal organs are no longer held in place and the abdomen sags. This contributes to sagging skin and a build-up of excess fat in the area.

In many cases, superfluous fat can be eliminated through sport or diet. The most stubborn can be removed by liposuction. But then there will always be some excess skin that neither sport nor diet can eliminate.

Un ventre avec des lignes tracées par le chirurgien
A tummy with lines drawn by the surgeon

This is where abdominoplasty comes in, for both men and women. It is a surgical procedure of last resort to get rid of the fatty abdominal belt.

What is abdominoplasty?

Also known as abdominoplasty, abdominoplasty is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to remove excess fat and skin from the abdomen.

The aim of the operation is to improve the appearance of the abdominal wall by giving it a smoother, tighter appearance.

It is performed on the skin of the abdomen between the pubic area and the upper abdomen, and involves making a horizontal incision to remove loose skin and excess fat.

Then, to restore the smooth appearance of the tummy, the muscles of the abdominal belt will be reconstituted and reshaped. The skin is then sewn back on, leaving a scar that fades over time.

Photo avant et après d'une abdominoplastie d'une femme
Before and after abdominoplasty in Turkey

Abdominoplasty and liposuction

A rather invasive surgical procedure, abdominoplasty differs from liposuction. Liposuction is used to remove excess fat. Although the two techniques are often confused, abdominoplasty can involve liposuction of the stomach, love handles and back fat before dermolipectomy: the removal of excess draped skin.

This part, which consists of a tummy tu ck, is carried out using ultra-modern techniques to achieve impeccable results.

The results of abdominoplasty are surprising. That’s why you need to entrust your tummy tuck to an experienced surgeon. In Istanbul, you’ll find the best abdominoplasty surgeons in Turkey.

In Turkey, abdominoplasty can be performed safely on HIV-positive patients, provided they are in good health, have no detectable viral load and a normal CD4 count.

Tracé d'un chirurgien sur un ventre pour une abdominoplastie
Surgeon’s drawing on a tummy for abdominoplasty

Need guidance in choosing your abdominoplasty clinic in Turkey? Would you like to be operated on by the best? Contact us.

Who should undergo abdominoplasty in Turkey?

Although tummy tuck surgery is common, it is not accessible to everyone who wants a flat stomach.

The ideal candidate for a tummy tuck is someone who has lost a significant amount of fat in the abdominal area and who has excess skin that has slackened as a result of this weight loss.

Abdominoplasty for men is recommended in cases of umbilical hernia or significant weight loss. It is performed to obtain a toned abdominal area with a view to obtaining the famous chocolate bars, the 6-pack.

Un homme qui touche son gros ventre
A man with a complex about his tummy

Abdominoplasty for women is performed on women who have had multiple pregnancies. Also known as “Tummy Tuck”, it improves the tone and firmness of the midline muscles that have been slackened during pregnancy.

This surgery is also aimed at men and women who suffer from excessive obesity and who are unable to eliminate the excess weight in the abdominal area. This is despite sport and diet.

It should be noted that in the Islamic religion, abdominoplasty is not haram. It is accepted if the aim is to remove a defect.

The main purpose of abdominal surgery is to correct the tummy. In the case of obesity, patients are advised to follow a weight-loss programme beforehand.

If this is not enough, bariatric surgery can be considered in Turkey. This is known as gastric sleeve or gastric balloon. Alternatively, undergo liposuction before considering a tummy tuck.

Photo avant et après d'une abdominoplastie d'une femme
Before and after abdominoplasty in Turkey

Finally, abdominoplasty in Turkey can also be considered to treat scars on the stomach, visible stretch marks that cause complexes, etc.

What is the BMI for abdominoplasty in Turkey?

To undergo abdominoplasty, you need to have reached a certain stable weight (recommended by the surgeon) and be in good general health. A body mass index or BMI of <30 is recommended, i.e. a 30% loss of excess weight before dieting.

As a general rule, it is also recommended that patients have a weight equal to the number of metres above the patient’s height. For example, if you are 1.65 cm tall, you should weigh around 65 kg before considering abdominoplasty. However, only the surgeon can determine your eligibility for cosmetic surgery of the body or stomach. A medical check-up will help.

Tracé d'un chirurgien sur le ventre d'une personne un peu grosse
A surgeon’s line on the stomach of a slightly overweight person

See also: Mommy Makeover in Turkey

Procedure for abdominoplasty for men and women

Shaping the body and the abdominal belt is an invasive cosmetic surgery operation. It is performed under general anaesthetic on an operating table. The procedure consists of several stages:


In the first stage, you will need individual monitoring by your surgeon. A medical check-up will determine your state of health and prepare you for surgery. Before surgery, it is always advisable to stop all medical treatments, inflammatory drugs, hallucinogenic substances, nicotine and others.

The operation

On the day of the operation, you should fast. After a shower with an antiseptic, usually Betadine, you will be placed on the operating table and given the appropriate doses of general anaesthetic. Within seconds, the substance will take effect and you will be asleep.

Un chirurgien touche un ventre de femme avant une opération
A surgeon touches a woman’s stomach before an operation

During this time, the surgeon will make an incision in the area between the navel and the pubis. He makes a horizontal incision to remove the excess skin. Once the abdominal skin has been lifted, the surgeon will begin to repair the muscles and tighten them in the event of diastasis. The healthy skin below the navel will be brought down and stitched at pubic level.

In the case of a full abdominoplasty procedure, the surgeon may also make an incision around the navel to remove excess skin. The skin is lifted towards the upper abdomen. At this stage, the navel can be repositioned if necessary.

Do you have HIV? A special clinic has been set aside for you to undergo abdominoplasty in complete safety for you and the staff.


Once the operation is over, you will have to spend one night at the clinic, under medical supervision. This is the time to recuperate and to ensure that the surgery has been carried out safely and successfully.

If the post-operative pain is bearable, painkillers will help you sleep better. Healing creams and anti-infection treatments may also be administered.

Résultat avant et après d'une abdominoplastie d'une femme noire
Abdominoplasty before and after

The dressing will be renewed after 2-3 days post-operatively. Staples and sutures will be removed after 10 days if they do not absorb on their own. Fine drains are often necessary to remove post-operative fluids. This helps to promote healing.

Risks, complications and side effects

There may be rare complications during abdominoplasty:

  • There are various risks associated with abdominoplasty, including:
  • Accumulation of fluid under the skin
  • Poor wound healing, which can lead to infection;
  • Extra-visibility of the abdominal scar;
  • Tissue damage deep inside the skin in the abdominal area.

This is why you should trust us to help you choose your surgeon in Istanbul, and opt for a reputable and experienced practitioner.

What’s more, abdominoplasty is permitted in Islam. It is halal, not haram, surgery because it offers a medical advantage and improves a person’s quality of life.

For people with disabilities (PRM), we have put in place accessibility measures to make it easier for them to get around.

How long does an abdominoplasty Turkey last?

An abdominoplasty operation in Turkey lasts between 3 and 5 hours, depending on the amount of skin to be removed. The progress and success of the operation will depend on the surgeon’s expertise. We always recommend that you choose an experienced surgeon who has mastered his or her abdominoplasty techniques.

The results of an abdominoplasty in Turkey are permanent, provided you maintain a healthy lifestyle and a healthy, balanced diet. Excessive weight gain is not recommended after abdominoplasty, although a second operation is possible after 1 year.

Simulation avant et après d'une abdominoplastie d'une femme
Abdominoplasty before and after simulation

How long does it take to recover from abdominoplasty?

The convalescence period is estimated at 10 to 15 days. But many patients start to return to their normal lives after a week. After 2-3 days, you will already be able to walk without any problems. After 10 days, you will be able to carry out simple domestic and professional tasks without tiring yourself too much.

You will need to wait 3 to 4 months before taking part in sporting activities. During this time, we recommend that you refrain from strenuous activity or carrying heavy loads. The results of a tummy tuck in Turkey will be visible after 6 to 12 months.

How much weight will I lose after abdominoplasty in Turkey?

As you now know, abdominoplasty is not a weight loss operation. It is above all a reshaping of the body and stomach. However, it is possible to have a noticeable difference in weight after the operation. The weight of excess skin and fat removed is between 300g and 3 kg, depending on the patient’s profile.

Résultat avant et après d'une abdominoplastie d'une femme
Results before and after abdominoplasty for women

How do I sleep after abdominoplasty?

After a tummy tuck, it is advisable to sleep in a position that does not stretch the abdominal muscles. The best position is to sleep on your back, with your legs bent and pillows on your knees to prevent stretching.

When should the girdle be removed after abdominoplasty in Istanbul?

Wearing a corset or girdle is recommended a few days after abdominoplasty. It provides additional support for the figure. The girdle can be removed 2-3 months after the operation. The surgeon will check whether it is necessary to remove it or keep it on for longer.

What to eat after abdominoplasty

To maintain a flat stomach after abdominoplasty, it is advisable to eat a healthy, balanced diet. A healthy diet will help maintain the results of tummy tuck surgery for as long as possible.

Une coordinatrice calcule le prix d'une abdominoplastie

If you would like a personalised quote for your operation, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be delighted to answer you as quickly as possible and to your satisfaction.

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FAQ – Frequently asked questions

Can abdominoplasty give you a flat stomach?

Yes, your tummy will be flatter following abdominoplasty. This surgical procedure consists of removing the “abdominal apron”, the excess damaged skin that occurs after bariatric surgery, pregnancy or considerable weight loss.

A tummy tuck in Turkey is only performed when your weight is within the recommended range. This is a weight equal to the number of cm above the patient’s metre. So if you are 1.75 cm tall, you need to weigh 75 kg to be considered for a tummy tuck.

As soon as the abdominal skin is tightened, postoperative pain may occur. The degree of pain varies according to the patient and the presence of muscle repair. Rest assured, effective painkillers will be prescribed during convalescence.

Depending on the type of abdominoplasty, the scar will be either vertical, T-shaped, inverted T-shaped, horizontal along the abdomen or around the umbilicus (more discreet). The scar generally turns pink after a fortnight, then whitens and gradually fades after a year.

In addition to the fact that your weight must be stable and your state of health excellent, your BMI will be calculated before the surgeon agrees to an abdominoplasty in Istanbul. This body mass index must be less than or equal to 30.

For abdominal dermolipectomy surgery in Turkey, you should plan to stay for at least 7 days. Depending on the clinic, the hospital stay includes two nights. Afterwards, 5 days of post-operative follow-up are required to ensure that no complications arise.

If you practise regular physical activity to strengthen your abdominal muscles and eat healthily after abdominoplasty, you will maintain a flat stomach. A serious surgeon will recommend appropriate nutritional and sports advice for an optimal result.

You must wait at least 6 months, and ideally a year, after your last pregnancy before considering abdominoplasty. It is essential to wait this long in order to achieve perfect abdominal healing and optimal results from the operation.

About the author


My name is Emilie Gervais and I live in Istanbul, Turkey. I am a medical writer with extensive scientific knowledge and over 15 years' experience in cancer research and molecular biology. I have experience in congress organisation and project management. I have the ability to convey complex medical and scientific concepts to a variety of audiences through a variety of media, including this website as a medium for my writing.