Beard transplant in Spain

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If your beard lacks density or has holes in it, a beard transplant in Spain could be just the thing. You’ll get the beard you’re looking for, with a perfectly natural look. provides information about beard transplants in Spain and helps you book an operation with qualified plastic surgeons. This content is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional.

How much does a beard transplant cost in Spain?

The cost of a beard transplant in Spain is €3,300. Depending on your needs, the all-inclusive medical stay can vary from €3,100 to €3,600.

Beard transplant3700 €
Hair transplant for men4300 €
Hair transplant for women4300 €

This article contains all the information you need to know about beard transplants in Spain.

What is a beard transplant?

Beards are very common today and are an integral part of men’s style. Unfortunately, some men do not have naturally dense facial hair. Similarly, the appearance of a burn or scar can alter the look of a beard.

A beard transplant can restore the areas of a beard that lack density. This can be due to a simple lack of hair growth, or to the presence of a scar, for example. With a beard transplant, you can restore the correct density, giving you a full, even and natural beard.

As with a hair transplant, the procedure involves taking grafts from a donor area, usually at the top of the neck. These grafts are then re-implanted into the patient’s beard, particularly in areas where there is a lack of hair.

Beard transplantation is a minimally invasive, long-lasting solution that gives natural results.

Who is the ideal candidate for a beard transplant in Spain?

Beard transplants are indicated for men who have a complex about the appearance of their beard. It’s the ideal solution for men who are beardless or have a thinning beard. These are genetic and hormonal causes that slow down the development of facial hair.

In addition, men who want to hide the gaps left by scars, burns or acne may also find it a solution to their discomfort. Men suffering from alopecia sometimes find that their beard is affected too. Beard transplants can be recommended to them.

The graft may involve areas on the cheeks and moustaches. A preliminary diagnosis will be carried out to ensure the viability of the implants.

How does a beard transplant work?

The preparatory consultation

A preparatory consultation must take place before the beard transplant. This consists of a discussion with the practitioner during which the patient can explain his or her expectations and wishes. The area to be treated will be determined, as well as its desired shape. Above all, the donor and recipient areas will be carefully diagnosed.

The number of grafts required will then be determined. On average, 250 to 500 implants will be needed for a moustache, 600 to 700 implants for a goatee, and 600 to 1,500 implants for the cheeks, depending on the desired density and the surface area concerned.

It is also during this consultation that the technique chosen for the beard transplant will be determined.

The different beard transplant techniques

There are several techniques for beard transplantation. These include the FUE technique, the DHI technique and the FUT technique.

FUE method

The FUE method, or follicular extraction, is the most advanced technique for restoring density to a beard or moustache. The follicles are removed from the back of the neck, which has been anaesthetised beforehand, using a tool called a punch.

The follicles can also be extracted from the neck. The extracted follicles are then sorted to retain only the grafts containing one or two hairs. After a complete shave of the beard and a local anaesthetic, these grafts are implanted in the areas that are missing. Those containing only one hair are placed more on the periphery of the beard to obtain the most natural result possible. This technique restores permanent density to the beard. The procedure takes an average of 5 to 6 hours, depending on the number of follicles to be implanted.

HID method

The DHI method has slight variations from the FUE technique. The incisions required for implantation are made at the same time as the implantation itself, using an implant pen. This eliminates the need to shave the recipient area.

FUT method

The FUT technique involves removing strips of skin from the donor area. Hair follicles are extracted from the donor area. These grafts are then re-implanted into the hairless areas of the beard.

Whichever solution is chosen, implantation is neither invasive nor painful for the patient. Only the anaesthetic injections may cause slight discomfort.

Precautions to take after a beard transplant

A slight swelling may appear 24 to 48 hours after the operation, which will disappear 2 to 4 days later. It is sometimes advisable to spray a disinfectant solution for the first 24 hours after the operation. Some doctors also recommendapplying thermal spring water followed by aloe vera gel for several days.

The face can be washed the next day with betadine.

Scabs generally appear at the base of the graft. It is important not to scratch them. They will fall off naturally within 10 to 15 days.

The beard can be trimmed with scissors after 15 days. Shearing is permitted after one month. On the other hand, you should wait two months before shaving.

The beard grows back in the second or third month. The final result will be visible 9 months to a year after the operation. Check-ups generally take place during this year, a few weeks and then a few months after the operation.

To take full advantage of optimal, natural results, it is advisable to wait one month after the operation before resuming any sporting activity, particularly if it involves perspiration. You should also protect yourself from the sun during the months following the operation. It is also preferable to wait a few weeks before wearing a mask.

How much does a beard transplant cost in Spain?

Depending on the number of grafts implanted, the average price of a beard transplant in Spain varies from €3,100 to €3,600. Clinics specialising in hair transplants in Spain will also offer post-operative follow-up.

If you’re having trouble making a choice, we can help you make a success of your operation, and at a reduced rate.

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