Breast lipofilling in Turkey

lipofilling breasts price 1
Written by Émilie

Everything you need to know about breast lipofilling in Turkey! What is the average price in Istanbul? Our advice for successful breast lipofilling in Turkey… provides information about breast lipofilling in Turkey and helps you book an operation with qualified surgeons. This content is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional.

Price of breast lipofilling in Turkey

The average cost of breast lipofilling in Turkey in Istanbul is €2,200. Depending on your needs, the price can vary from 2,000 euros to 2,400 euros.

ProcedureCost Turkey
Facial lipofilling1500 €
Lipofilling of the buttocks2700 €
Lipofilling of the breasts2200 €

What is breast lipofilling?

Breast lipofilling in Turkey uses fat taken from an area of the body where it is in excess. The fat is transferred to an area that requires restoration or augmentation.

This operation is designed to improve the volume and modify the size of the breasts and, in most cases, offers long-lasting results. Fat transfer, also known as fat grafting, allows plastic surgeons to use fat cells from an area of your body for breast augmentation without the need for breast implants.

Breast lipofilling in Turkey is a natural solution for restoring the volume and shape of your breasts, which may have been lost due to ageing, weight loss, pregnancy or breastfeeding. This process is described as fat transfer breast augmentation or lipomodelling.

Fat is removed from an area of the body where it is in excess and transferred to an area in need of restoration or augmentation, resulting in improved volume and altered proportions and, in most cases, long-lasting results.

Who is breast lipofilling for?

Breast augmentation by fat transfer is not suitable for everyone, as you need to be at least a size 38-40 to be eligible. (However, even if you are not suitable, there are alternatives. Please contact us to find out more). Unfortunately, we cannot consider patients whose bodies do not have sufficient fat resources.

This is an amazing procedure if you qualify and are looking for subtle, less invasive changes than other surgical procedures. The procedure is an alternative to implants and can be used to balance asymmetrical breasts (uneven breasts) or restore cup size volume.

Patients who need a small size increase and who have sufficient fat to transfer from other areas such as the legs or stomach are suitable. Transferring fat to the breast tissue allows you to benefit from a less invasive procedure than some other cosmetic surgery approaches.

If you are considering surgery, using fat cells from other parts of your body to supplement your natural breast fat, under the supervision of one of our experienced plastic surgeons, can help you achieve the look you desire.

Is fat transfer painful?

Most patients do not experience much pain during fat grafting, although some people do take painkillers after the procedure.

The removal or extraction of fat from the thighs or stomach requires a general anaesthetic. If you are concerned about pain, talk to your surgeon who will be able to discuss ways of managing the pain and making the procedure as comfortable as possible.

If you undergo fat transfer to the breasts, this is a simpler, less invasive and generally less painful procedure than cosmetic breast augmentation surgery using implants.

The natural breast procedure

There are many reasons why women opt for fat transfer, also known as fat injection, rather than implants; the main one is that as well as having fuller breasts, you also get a more contoured body.

What’s more, the fat is yours, giving you peace of mind in the knowledge that there is no foreign body inside you. Fat transfer breast augmentation is an alternative to implants and can be used to increase breast fullness by one cup size, balance asymmetrical breasts (uneven breasts) or restore contours in cases of irregularity. This is a less invasive form of breast augmentation surgery.

How long does lipofilling last?

A small amount of fat may be absorbed by your body after fat grafting. In general, however, fat grafting is permanent. The results depend on many factors, such as the surgeon’s technique and experience, where and how the fat was removed, and how and exactly where it was injected.

To obtain the best results, it is important to maintain your weight at the same level as at the time of the operation. As we age, breast tissue and fat may change due to the natural ageing process.

How is lipofilling performed?

The operation involves liposuctioning fat from one part of the body where it is in excess and injecting it into another that needs to be augmented. This will improve volume and change proportions, offering long-lasting results. Our plastic surgeons will ‘overfill’ your breasts.

So don’t be surprised if they look a little fuller than expected. This overfilling compensates for the fact that around 40% of the fat injected is naturally reabsorbed by your body. Fat transfer procedures can be performed under local anaesthetic.

Possible liposuction areas for fat transfer

Your surgeon will work with you to determine the area from which you wish to remove fat and discuss the result you can achieve in terms of breast augmentation.

What is the recovery period after fat transfer?

You will experience some bruising around the liposuction area, but this will disappear within 7 to 10 days. The exact recovery period for fat transfer breast augmentation will depend on your procedure and there will be natural variations, but you can use the following as a general guide.

  • Dressings removed: 7-14 days
  • Return to work: 2-14 days
  • Swimming: 4-6 weeks
  • Exercise and sex: 4-12 weeks
  • Full recovery: 2-12 weeks

You may also need to wear a compression garment for one to two weeks after the operation.

Is it used on other parts of the body?

Fat augmentation can also be used as an alternative to fillers or facial implants, and to restore volume to the buttock area. This is generally known as lipomodelling. Fat transfer can also be used in conjunction with other procedures to maintain a natural appearance with greater breast enlargement. For example, one of our patients combined breast implants with fat transfer to achieve the following results:

Breast lipofilling before and after

How long does a fat transfer operation last?

Fat transfer operations generally take longer than breast implant operations. In general, an operation can last from 3 to 4 hours. Every patient and every procedure is unique and different. Your MyBreast cosmetic surgeon will be able to advise you on your individual case.

Which is better: fat transfer or breast implants?

Breast implants do not last forever and may need to be removed or adjusted in years to come. Fat transfer may be a good solution for you if you want a more natural breast augmentation and if you have enough fat that can be removed from your hips or tummy. Your surgeon can advise you on which procedure is best for you.

When can I wear a bra after fat grafting?

Your Turkish surgeon will advise you on the best way to care for your breasts and the appropriate bra to wear after the operation. You should expect some bruising and swelling, which should disappear after a few weeks. During this period, a compression bra is normally recommended to support your breasts and allow the body’s natural healing process to take place.

What are the alternatives?

Fat transfer breast augmentation is not suitable for patients with low body mass. For a natural-looking breast augmentation, it is now more common for breast implants to be placed under the muscles (double plane) to conceal the upper edge of the implant, and there is even a growing trend towards ‘anatomical’ teardrop-shaped implants.

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About the author


My name is Emilie Gervais and I live in Istanbul, Turkey. I am a medical writer with extensive scientific knowledge and over 15 years' experience in cancer research and molecular biology. I have experience in congress organisation and project management. I have the ability to convey complex medical and scientific concepts to a variety of audiences through a variety of media, including this website as a medium for my writing.