Breast reconstruction in Dubai

breast reconstruction price dubai 1
Written by Maria

Breast reconstruction in Dubai is a surgical procedure generally performed on women who have undergone a mastectomy or lumpectomy after breast cancer, with the aim of restoring a natural-looking breast or nipple. provides information about breast reconstruction in Dubai and helps you book an operation with qualified surgeons. This content is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional.

Price of breast reconstruction in Dubai

The average cost of breast reconstruction in Dubai is €6,200. Depending on your needs, the price can vary from €5400 to €7000.

ProcedurePrice Dubai
Breast reconstruction6200 €

What is breast reconstruction?

Breast cancer is a disease that affects thousands of women every year. For some, it can be treated with chemotherapy without surgery, but for others, depending on the severity of the disease, part or all of the breast is surgically removed. Beating cancer is a great victory for everyone who has suffered from the disease. Unfortunately, for some women, the prospect of living without breast(s) can affect them differently. Here are some of the negative effects:

  • Continual grief, sadness or even anxiety.
  • Relationship status may change
  • Intimacy may change.
  • Loss of self-esteem and self-confidence.

Breast reconstruction in Dubai is a surgical procedure usually performed on women who have undergone a mastectomy or lumpectomy after breast cancer, with the aim of restoring a natural-looking breast or nipple.

Breast reconstruction technique options

Breast reconstruction in Dubai is not a cosmetic procedure, but a reconstructive surgical procedure. There are different breast reconstruction techniques, including the following:

  • Implants: The surgeon stretches the skin with a tissue expander that is placed inside the breast, then a saline solution or silicone gel is inserted afterwards at weekly intervals for up to ten weeks. The sessions are generally painful, but the end result is satisfactory.
  • Tissue flap procedure (autologous): In this breast reconstruction technique, the surgeon uses the patient’s own tissue to create a mound taken either from the abdomen, thighs, back or buttocks to reconstruct the breasts.
  • Nipple-spring : In this technique, the surgeon can reconstruct a breast using preserved surrounding skin and nipple from your own breast after mastectomy.

The breast reconstruction process at DUbai

a) Consultation

The first stage of a breast reconstruction procedure is a detailed consultation and examination at the clinic with our qualified plastic surgeon, to determine a tailor-made plan for each candidate.

b) Surgery

The second step is to schedule the breast reconstruction operation with a highly qualified and experienced plastic surgeon who is an expert in breast reconstruction and other breast surgery procedures. Before the operation, each patient is examined to ensure that she can undergo the operation safely. This examination includes a pre-aesthetic consultation, blood tests and ensures that the patient is an ideal candidate for the breast reconstruction procedure.

The breast reconstruction procedure involves preparation that can take up to two hours, with the reconstruction itself lasting up to six hours under local anaesthetic combined with intravenous sedation.

A tissue flap procedure is used to reconstruct the breast(s) by creating a mound taken from the patient’s own tissue, either from the back, thighs, abdomen or buttocks. The displaced tissue is sometimes attached to the blood supply near the new location. The removal of tissue from the back is known as a latissimus dorsi flap, while that from the abdomen is known as a tram flap.

The procedure for breast reconstruction in Dubai using an implant involves stretching the skin using a tissue expander and then inserting a saline solution (salt water) or a silicone gel. The desired volume is filled into the tissue expander at each session you attend.

Breast reconstruction surgery is performed in a hospital operating theatre and the patient usually spends one night in hospital after the operation to recover. She may spend longer if necessary.

The expert plastic surgeon accompanies the patient throughout the recovery and healing process, through scheduled follow-ups.

c) Recovery

Two to three hours after the operation, the patient is taken to the hospital ward where she will be monitored for 24 hours or more. Pain and discomfort will be felt for the first few days, so painkillers will be recommended during your stay in hospital.

Vigorous activity will be discouraged but the arms may be moved slightly. One day after the operation, the patient may begin to sit up, and on the second day she may try to walk slowly. The doctor will discharge you when he or she considers you fit.

Over a period of about 4 weeks or more, the patient will usually have to visit the clinic several times after the operation to monitor the healing process.

Precautions to be taken

Although a breast reconstruction procedure can be straightforward, it is important to determine the right level of intervention or treatment and that the procedure, whether minimally invasive or invasive, is carried out by a qualified, board-certified plastic surgeon. A potential candidate must meet certain criteria to be eligible for the procedure and must have:

  • Have realistic expectations of the expected results.
  • Be in good health, both physically and psychologically.
  • Have no other medical problems or illnesses that could interfere with recovery.
  • Be able to withstand the treatment

Why breast reconstruction?

The main advantage of breast reconstruction is that it reconstructs the shape of the breast. As everyone is different, the results expected from breast reconstruction surgery may vary from person to person, but the benefits generally include:

  • Creating a sense of well-being and peace of mind.
  • Restoring intimacy.
  • Rebuilding self-confidence and self-esteem.

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About the author


My name is Maria. I have over 10 years' experience as a marketing manager in the medical industry. I have successfully launched several products on the market, including medical devices, and I have a great passion for sales and marketing.