Buttock augmentation in Tunisia

buttock augmentation 1
Written by Maria

Everything you need to know about buttock augmentation in Tunisia! What is the average price in Tunis? Our advice for a successful buttock augmentation in Tunis.

BestClinic.co.uk provides information onbuttock augmentation in Tunisia and helps you book an operation with qualified surgeons. This content is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional.

Price of buttock augmentation in Tunisia

In Tunisia, the average cost of a buttock augmentation with implants is €2,800, and without implants €2,500. The procedure is carried out under general anaesthetic and lasts 3h-4h. The length of stay is 7 days, and the hospital stay is 1 night. The price includes the anaesthetic, the operation, the medication and the compression garment. The final result is visible within 4 months.

ProcedureCost Tunisia
Buttock augmentation with implants2800 €
Buttock augmentation without implants2500 €

Buttock augmentation in Tunisia has never been so successful, and patients from all over the world no longer hesitate to travel. The reasons for this? The very attractive cost on the one hand, but also because of the number of increasingly experienced surgeons and ultra-modern health establishments.

What is buttock augmentation?

Buttock surgery is a procedure that generally consists of:

  • Increase the volume of the buttocks;
  • Enhance the appearance of the buttocks;
  • Firm up a buttock that is a little saggy and slack.

The main reasons for this are generally buttocks that are considered too flat, or buttocks that are a little slack or drooping, particularly as a result of rapid weight loss.

What types of implants are used?

There are 2 types of operation:

Fat grafting (also known as Brazilian Butt Lift – BLL).

This means that fat is taken from another part of the body and then transplanted to the buttocks. The advantage of this method is that it is 100% natural. In fact, it consists of reinjecting your own fat, without using a foreign body. This avoids any risk of rejection or allergic reaction.

By inserting silicone buttock implants.

Made from a very flexible material and placed behind the muscle, these implants have the advantage of looking as natural as possible. It should also be noted that the gel surrounding the implants is ultra-resistant, which prevents any form of silicone leakage inside the body.

Who can have buttock augmentation surgery in Tunisia?

Anyone can have buttock implants, as long as the patient is in good health.

However, when it comes to fat grafting, the patient must have sufficient fat volume for the fat to be harvested. If this is not the case, people who are too thin will have to resort to silicone implants.

In both cases, it is important to discuss the situation with the surgeon carrying out the operation. The best solution will depend on the desired results.

How does the operation work, and what precautions should be taken?

Before the big day, it’s important to be well prepared and fully aware of what’s going to happen.


As with any cosmetic surgery procedure, an initial consultation with a surgeon is organised. This allows the patient to communicate his or her needs to the plastic surgeon, and together they draw up a plan of action.

After a few questions, the plastic surgeon will be able to indicate what the possible solutions are. He will also be able to reassure the patient about how the operation will proceed. This is an important moment that should not be overlooked.

All plastic surgery involves certain potential complications, such as infection, bleeding, bruising, excessive swelling or simply an unsatisfactory result. Although rare, the plastic surgeon is obliged to point out all the possible risks before the operation.

Precautions to be taken: patients are generally asked to stop smoking one month before the operation and to stop taking any anti-inflammatory or anticoagulant medication 10 days beforehand. However, all information is provided during the pre-operative consultation.


On the day of the operation, patients are invited to go to the Tunisian medical centre of their choice to undergo the procedure.

In the case of fat transfer

The operation is generally performed under general anaesthetic and lasts between one and three hours. The fat is removed from the hips and saddlebags. It is then centrifuged before being distributed evenly over the upper part of the buttocks.

This is a minimally invasive procedure that leaves very fine scars.

Finally, the patient stays overnight in hospital, but sometimes the operation is performed on an outpatient basis, i.e. the patient is discharged a few hours later.

The results: the buttocks are firmer and better shaped, and the results start to show between 3 and 6 months after the operation. It is estimated that the buttocks shrink by around 30% after the operation, as the volume of fat diminishes naturally. As a result, a second operation may be necessary to make the graft permanent.

In the case of buttock implants

Here too, the operation is often performed under general anaesthetic. Once in the operating theatre, the surgeon inserts the silicone implant behind the muscle, through a very fine incision in the buttock crease. The prosthesis is then placed between the tissues of the gluteus maximus. The operation takes between 1 and 3 hours and requires an overnight stay in hospital.

The results: the buttocks reach their definitive shape after 3 months, once the swelling has subsided. As for the scar, it takes around 12 months for it to take on its final appearance, so you’ll need to be patient. Finally, a buttock implant can last up to 20 years, but regular monitoring is necessary. Ruptures are rare, but it is important to monitor them.


  • Pain is often moderate, but it can sometimes be a little more severe, in which case appropriate medication is prescribed at home. Painkillers are also given to the patient during hospitalisation;
  • It is advisable to avoid sitting for 8 days after the buttock augmentation operation;
  • Patients may only resume physical activity after 6 weeks;
  • It is also compulsory to wear support stockings, as instructed by the nursing staff;
  • The patient can return to work between 2 and 4 weeks after the operation;
  • The swelling will gradually subside until it reaches its final shape after a few months.

How much does buttock augmentation surgery cost in Tunisia?

The cost of a buttock augmentation in Tunisia is 2,500 euros. It varies according to the method used, the health establishment and the plastic surgeon in charge of the operation. In any case, the cost of cosmetic surgery is estimated to be 2 to 3 times lower than in Europe.

Tunisia has rapidly become a favourite destination for aesthetic tourism. Buttock augmentation in Tunisia is one of the most popular procedures. Particularly for patients wishing to undergo surgery in a European country.

Having trouble choosing the right clinic at the best price? Our coordinator can help you make your operation in Tunisia a success, free of charge. Ask us for a free quote.

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About the author


My name is Maria. I have over 10 years' experience as a marketing manager in the medical industry. I have successfully launched several products on the market, including medical devices, and I have a great passion for sales and marketing.