Buttock augmentation in Turkey

buttock augmentation Turkey 1
Written by Émilie

Everything you need to know about buttock augmentation in Turkey! What is the average price in Istanbul? Our advice for a successful buttock augmentation.

BestClinic.co.uk provides information onbuttock augmentation in Turkey and helps you book an operation with qualified surgeons. This content is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional.

Price of buttock augmentation in Turkey

In Turkey,buttock augmentation with implants costs €3,600. The price ofbuttock augmentation without implants using lipofilling is €3,400. The procedure is carried out under general anaesthetic and lasts 3 hours. The length of stay in Istanbul is 7 days, and the hospital stay is 1 night. The price includes the anaesthetic, the operation, the medication and the lipo-panty. The final result is visible within 4 months.

Buttock augmentation with implant3600 €
Buttock augmentation with lipofilling3400 €
Buttock lift3700 €
Brazilian buttock lift (BBL)2900 €

What is buttock augmentation?

Buttock implants are a specific form ofbuttock augmentation. During the operation, artificial prostheses are inserted to improve the appearance and shape of the buttocks in Turkey in Istanbul.

Buttock implants, or buttock prostheses, are popular with women and men who want a fuller, more beautiful buttock.

Amélioration du galbe des fesses
Improving the shape of the buttocks

Many patients who have lost weight choose buttock implants to add volume to their buttocks, although extra skin due to weight loss may also need to be removed. Butt implants can improve self-confidence and give a better appearance.

Before and after photos

The different methods of buttock augmentation

Here are the most common buttock augmentation methods:

  • Silicone implants: The cosmetic surgeon makes an incision where the cheek of the buttock meets the thigh or inside the crease of the buttock, where scars will not be visible. The surgeon forms a pocket and inserts the silicone implants under or over the buttock muscles. Where the implants are placed depends on the patient’s desired result.
  • Fat grafting: In this procedure, excess fat is removed by liposuction from areas of the body such as the thighs, stomach and hips, and then injected into the buttocks.
  • Tissue flap: The surgeon can also increase the volume of the buttocks in Turkey by making a tissue flap from the skin of the buttocks and inserting it like an implant.

Topics to discuss with the surgeon

Examine the different options available to you depending on the desired end result. Discuss with your consultant the shape and size of buttocks you prefer and how your appearance will be changed.

Photo de fesses avec un galbe parfait
Photo of buttocks with perfect shape

Length of operation/surgery: The buttock implant operation is likely to take between two and three hours. The length of the operation depends on where the prostheses are placed, the patient’s body and the surgical technique.

Days allowed: None. You will probably not need to stay overnight after buttock implant surgery in Turkey.

Anaesthesia: Buttock implants are usually performed under general anaesthetic. Some buttock implant operations are performed under local anaesthetic with a sedative.

Augmentation des fesses pour un galbe parfait
Brazilian Butt Lift

Do you have HIV? A special clinic is reserved for you for buttock augmentation in complete safety for you and the staff.


  • Swelling of the buttocks and general discomfort should disappear within two days.
  • One week after the buttock implants, you will be able to walk and sit as normal.
  • Swelling will continue to decrease for 1 to 2 weeks.
  • Doctors recommend that you take two weeks off work to recover, but you will be able to resume your activities under sedation a few days after the buttock implant operation.
  • You will be able to resume your activities and exercise after one month to six weeks.

Risks, complications and side effects: It is rare to experience serious complications after cosmetic surgery in Turkey, but certain risks remain:

  • Buttock implants may change position after the operation and take on an asymmetrical shape;
  • Buttock implants may, in rare cases, rupture or break;
  • Making an incision in the buttock crease carries a high risk of infection;
  • Excessive bleeding;
  • Negative reaction to anaesthesia.

That’s why you should trust us to help you choose the right surgeon in Istanbul, and opt for a reputable and experienced practitioner.

What’s more, buttock augmentation is permitted in Islam. It is halal, not haram, surgery because it offers a medical benefit and improves a person’s quality of life.

Augmentation des fesses pour un galbe parfait
Brazilian buttock lift

Are you a person with reduced mobility (PRM)? You can benefit from special assistance from arrival at the airport to your hotel, as well as at the clinic.

Post-operative care:

  • Take the antibiotics and anti-inflammatories prescribed after the operation.
  • Pain is to be expected for 48 hours following buttock implantation. Take painkillers to reduce discomfort.
  • Wear a supportive compression bandage for a few days to allow the buttock implants to heal properly.
  • Take plenty of rest after the buttock implant operation and drink plenty of water. Make sure you eat a healthy diet to speed up the healing process.

If you’re having trouble making a choice, we can help you make a success of your operation, and at a reduced rate. Choose a medical tourism specialist in Turkey.

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100% free consultation. We analyse your situation, your needs and your expectations. And we estimate the budget required for : Flight + Hotel + Taxi + Treatment.

At all times, you retain complete control over the process. Total peace of mind.

FAQ – Frequently asked questions

How does buttock lipofilling in Turkey work?

On average, 30 to 50% of the fat implanted is resorbed within the first three months after the operation. The fat that survives, on the other hand, remains in place for life, but may nevertheless be subject to variations, particularly in the event of weight loss or gain.

With buttock implants or fat transfer, the first results really start to show about 3 months after the swelling has subsided. The buttocks are firmer and rounder. The scar reaches its final appearance 1 year after the operation.

Generally speaking, lipofilling is somewhat painful, although the pain after the operation is often moderate. Painkillers are systematically prescribed to patients during hospitalisation and can also be prescribed at home, if necessary.

A gluteoplasty in Istanbul often requires a minimum stay of one week. After the operation, the patient stays one night in hospital for observation and then 6 nights in a hotel. A week is needed to monitor the operation and check how the scar is progressing.

About the author


My name is Emilie Gervais and I live in Istanbul, Turkey. I am a medical writer with extensive scientific knowledge and over 15 years' experience in cancer research and molecular biology. I have experience in congress organisation and project management. I have the ability to convey complex medical and scientific concepts to a variety of audiences through a variety of media, including this website as a medium for my writing.