Buttock augmentation without implants in Turkey

price of buttock augmentation without implants 1
Written by Manuella

Injection buttock lifts in Turkey use fat transfers or dermal fillers to improve the shape of your buttocks, making them appear round and curved.

BestClinic.co.uk provides information onbuttock augmentation without implants in Turkey and helps you book an operation with qualified surgeons. This content is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional.


    Price of a buttock augmentation without implants in Turkey

    The average cost of a buttock augmentation without implants in Turkey is €2000. Depending on your needs, the price can vary from €1,800 to €2,200.

    ProcedureCost Turkey
    Buttock augmentation without implants2000 €

    What is buttock augmentation without implants?

    Injection buttock lifts are cosmetic procedures that add volume, curve and shape to your buttocks using dermal fillers.


    • Dermal filler procedures are considered safe as long as they are performed by a licensed and experienced provider.
    • Side effects may include moderate pain in the buttocks.

    A buttock lift injection procedure can be more convenient than a buttock implant procedure, with less downtime for recovery and less risk of serious complications.

    Once you’ve found a qualified surgeon in Turkey you can trust, planning and preparing for an injection butt lift is simple and straightforward.


    • The results of this treatment vary widely, and there is no clinical research to demonstrate its effectiveness.
    • Many patients are satisfied with their results, while others return for further injections or fat injections.
    • The results of this treatment are not as visible as those of a buttock implant.

    What is a buttock lift by injection?

    Over time, it is natural for your buttocks to lose some of their fullness and shape. Your bottom may start to sag or become less shapely as a result of weight fluctuations and ageing.

    This is not a medical problem to worry about. But some people start to feel self-conscious about their buttocks looking ‘flat’ or less rounded than before.

    If you’re one of these people, you may want to consider an injection buttock lift.

    Types of injection buttock lift in Turkey

    Injection buttock lifts in Istanbul use fat transfers or dermal fillers to improve the shape of your buttocks, making them appear round and curved.

    There are several types of buttock injection lift:

    • Sculptra buttock lift
    • Brazilian buttock lift

    The type of procedure you get will depend on the result you want to achieve and the advice of your plastic surgeon.

    The Sculptra butt lift, or dermal filler, is the only truly non-surgical butt lift procedure.

    Brazilian facelifts and other procedures that involve fat injections into the body are considered surgical. These procedures often require anaesthesia and carry serious risks, unlike Sculptra butt lifts.

    The ideal candidate

    The ideal candidate for an injection butt lift is a healthy candidate with no history of bleeding or other health problems that can make cosmetic procedures riskier.

    If you are looking to reshape other parts of your body and have fat that can be injected into your buttocks, you may want to consider a Brazilian butt lift.

    If your body fat percentage is already low, a dermal butt lift may be a better option.

    Recovery from a non-surgical buttock lift requires minimal downtime. If you receive dermal buttock injections, you may even be able to return to work the same day.

    A Brazilian butt lift may require additional downtime, as you must avoid sitting directly on your buttocks for several days after the procedure.

    How does an injection buttock lift work?

    If you undergo a buttock lift using Sculptra dermal filler, your provider will insert polylactic-L-acid deep beneath the surface of your skin.

    This acid is what’s known as a bio-stimulator, meaning it encourages the production of collagen. If effective, it will give your buttocks a fuller, rounder appearance over time.

    See also: Buttock augmentation in Turkey

    If you have a Brazilian buttock lift or another type of fat injection lift, you’ll see results immediately. Fat taken from another part of your body – usually the hip area – is injected into your buttocks.

    When you have recovered, you can see that your buttocks have immediately taken on a fuller shape.

    Procedure for a buttock lift

    For a buttock lift using fillers, your appointment will be short. The process can be completed in 30 minutes.

    A Brazilian butt lift procedure takes longer and begins with liposuction. Lidocaine or another local anaesthetic will be applied to the area where your liposuction will take place. Your doctor will make small incisions in your abdomen, hips or love handle area and then collect the fat using a device called a cannula.

    Your provider will process and sterilise the fat before making an injectable mixture of fat, saline and plasma. This fat is then injected into your buttocks. This treatment may take an hour or more.

    Risks or side effects

    Complications associated with a buttock lift are rare, but they do occur.

    Dermal filler

    Side effects of Sculptra usually include pain and soreness in the area of your injections. There is a risk that the Sculptra filler will ‘settle’ in a way that gives your buttocks a lumpy or bumpy appearance.

    Fat injections (BBL)

    The side effects of a BBL in Turkey can be more serious. Scarring, pain and infection from the fat removal can occur.

    In 2018, a study showed that in 1 in 3,000 Brazilian butt lifts, death was due to fat embolisms and respiratory distress caused by the procedure.

    Read also: Price of buttock augmentation by Brazilian butt lift: €2,900

    Some believe that the risk is due to inexperienced or unlicensed providers carrying out the procedure incorrectly.

    Post-operative follow-up

    After a Sculptra butt lift, minimal recovery is expected. You can resume most of your usual activities within a day or two. You do not need to make any major lifestyle changes after this treatment.

    You may experience some pain or discomfort in the gluteal area, but this should subside within a week. You may also be asked to sleep on your stomach or on your side for a fortnight while the results of the buttock lift take full effect.

    If you are having a Brazilian butt lift, you should also avoid sitting directly on your buttocks for 6 to 8 weeks after the procedure. You will also need to wear a compression garment in the areas where fat has been removed from your body.


    Results vary. If you receive dermal fillers, such as Sculptra, it will take several months for the results to stabilise and for the injections to produce their full effect. You may also need several treatments spaced several weeks or months apart to achieve a noticeable improvement.

    The results of a Sculptra butt lift are not permanent. Some people see results that last 2 to 3 years. In the best cases, results can last up to 4 years.

    After a Brazilian butt lift, results will be more immediate. You can expect around 50% of the injected fat to be absorbed during the healing process.

    This means that if your buttocks are larger than they were before the operation, the immediate result will be a little weaker in the long term.

    Preparing for a buttock lift by injection

    Before a non-surgical buttock lift, your provider will give you detailed instructions on how to prepare for your treatment.

    This list may include indications such as:

    • For a fortnight before treatment, avoid ibuprofen and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which can increase your risk of bleeding.
    • Stop taking herbal supplements for a fortnight before your treatment.
    • Stop smoking and taking drugs before treatment.
    • Do not drink alcohol for 48 hours before treatment.

    Buttock lift by injection VS buttock implants

    An injection butt lift procedure is different to one that involves a butt implant.

    A Sculptra butt lift requires no anaesthetic, leaves no scars and can produce mild to moderate results in a one-hour appointment.

    While a Brazilian butt lift is still considered a surgical procedure and may require anesthesia, it is also very different from a butt implant procedure.

    A buttock implant procedure involves the surgical placement of an implant. The operation is serious and the risk of complications is higher. It requires anaesthesia and the results are permanent and much more visible.

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    About the author


    My name is Manuella Fiorentini. I am an experienced marketing professional in the medical device and pharmaceutical industries. With over 7 years' experience, I have worked in creative and strategic roles to develop marketing campaigns, product launches and international conferences.

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