Price of buttock liposuction in the Dominican Republic

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Written by Manuella

Liposuction of the buttocks in Santo Domingo is a plastic surgery procedure that uses liposuction as a means of creating more aesthetically pleasing buttocks by effectively reducing certain parts of the buttocks. provides information about buttock liposuction in the Dominican Republic and helps you book an operation with qualified surgeons. This content is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional.

Price of buttock liposuction in the Dominican Republic

The average cost of buttock liposuction in the Dominican Republic in Santo Domingo is €1,900. Depending on your needs, the price can vary from €1,800 to €2,000.

ProcedurePrice Dominican Republic
Liposuction of the buttocks1900 €

What is buttock liposuction?

Buttock liposuction in Santo Domingo is a plastic surgery procedure that uses liposuction as a means of creating a more aesthetically pleasing buttock by effectively reducing certain areas of the buttock.

Buttock liposuction is not recommended for morbidly obese patients or for people looking to lose weight, as the aim of buttock reduction is not to lose weight, but rather to help normal weight people achieve a more proportionate buttock.

Recommended for buttock reduction

Anyone who is dissatisfied with the size or shape of their buttocks can benefit from buttock reduction surgery. The most suitable candidates for buttock liposuction in Santo Domingo are healthy, mentally stable non-smokers with elastic skin and a balanced weight.

Number of trips abroad
1 trip

Duration of the operation
2 to 3 hours

Men and women all over the world use this procedure to achieve a sculpted buttock and a more pleasing contour to their lower body, especially if they cannot get rid of excess buttock fat by following buttock reduction exercises.

Although buttock reduction surgery can be performed on its own, many patients take the opportunity to significantly improve their lower body and combine the procedure with other types of plastic surgery:

  • Thigh lift – this procedure removes any excess skin and fatty tissue in the thigh area
  • Tummy tuck – also known as abdominoplasty, this popular procedure removes excess skin and tissue around the abdomen.
  • Buttock lift – some patients may have excess skin after buttock reduction surgery, so a buttock lift procedure may be required as a result
  • Liposuction – if the patient has no excess skin tissue, liposuction can be applied around the thighs or abdomen
  • Autologous fat transfer or fat grafting – the patient’s own fat can be harvested and reinjected into specific areas around the buttocks, for a more attractive result


Patients should avoid smoking for at least 3 weeks prior to buttock reduction surgery. Herbal supplements, anticoagulants, anti-inflammatory drugs and omega-3 capsules should also be avoided for at least two weeks before the operation.

How does the operation work?

A buttock reduction procedure generally takes about three hours. The reduction is achieved through liposuction. The surgeon begins the process by making multiple incisions in the upper part of the buttocks. After the incision, a long, thin tube called a cannula is placed in the incision. This tube allows the doctor to remove the patient’s fat.

The procedure is usually performed under local anaesthetic, but a general anaesthetic may also be used if combined with another type of plastic surgery.

The most popular buttock reduction surgery techniques include:

  • Tumescent Liposuction – This is the most popular form of liposuction. A large amount of fluid is injected into the fatty areas during the procedure. The liquid is a combination of anaesthetic and other solutions that help break down fat deposits. The fat is then aspirated, or removed, through small suction tubes called cannulas.
  • Ultrasound Assisted Liposuction (UAL) – this procedure is very similar to the tumescent liposuction technique, the only difference being that the cannula is powered by ultrasound which helps to break down the fat cells.
  • Power Assisted Liposuction (PAS) – Also known as Power Assisted Liposuction, this technique uses a special type of cannula that produces a mechanical movement.


The average recovery time from buttock reduction surgery is approximately 4 weeks. Patients will be given a compression garment to wear as described. Most patients can return to work a few days after buttock reduction.


Complications of buttock reduction surgery may include the following:

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Unfavourable scarring
  • Asymmetry
  • Revision surgery
  • Persistent swelling
  • Poor wound healing

Side effects

Patients may experience some discomfort and pain after buttock reduction surgery. They can also expect nausea if a general anaesthetic is used. Bruising, altered skin sensation and damage to deeper structures such as nerves, blood vessels and muscles should also be considered as side effects of buttock reduction. Post-operative swelling and bruising generally disappear in about 3 weeks.

Success rates
The average success rate for buttock reduction surgery is around 91%.

Before and after
Patients must maintain a stable weight after the buttock reduction procedure. If the patient gains too much weight, the fatty tissue will simply grow back. A regular, personal diet and exercise is essential to maintain the results of the procedure.

Buttock Reduction Vs Buttock Lift – What’s the difference?
Buttock reduction is mainly performed by liposuction, whereas buttock lift can use several incisions to remove fat as well as skin tissue from the buttock area. Liposuction can only remove excess fatty tissue; sagging skin is not part of this procedure.

Is buttock reduction painful?
No, the procedure is not painful. Patients feel nothing during the operation due to the local or general anaesthetic, and painkillers are permitted during the recovery period.

How much fat can be removed during the buttock reduction procedure?
Approximately 3-4 litres or 6-7 pounds can be safely removed during the buttock reduction procedure. Some patients may require further surgery to remove loose skin in the buttock area if they have any after the buttock reduction procedure.

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About the author


My name is Manuella Fiorentini. I am an experienced marketing professional in the medical device and pharmaceutical industries. With over 7 years' experience, I have worked in creative and strategic roles to develop marketing campaigns, product launches and international conferences.