Price of a dental crown in Hungary

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Written by Manuella

Everything you need to know about dental crowns in Hungary! What is the average price in Budapest? Our advice for a successful dental crown in Hungary. provides information about dental crowns in Hungary and helps you book an operation with qualified surgeons. This content is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace professional medical advice.

Price of a dental crown in Hungary

The average cost of a dental crown in Budapest, Hungary is €200. Depending on your needs, the price can vary from 150 euros to 250 euros.

ProcedureCost Hungary
Dental crown200 €

What is a dental crown?

A dental crown in Hungary in Budapest is a covering that is placed over a tooth to protect a weakened tooth from fracture or further deterioration. A dental crown in Hungary can also be used to replace a discoloured or misshapen tooth or to protect a tooth. Finally, a new crown is needed simply to replace an old, worn-out or defective crown.

Dental crowns in Hungary

It normally takes two appointments for your dentist to complete your crown. At the first appointment, the dentist shapes and prepares the tooth so that the crown can be fitted correctly.

Next, an impression of the tooth is taken and a temporary crown is inserted to protect the prepared tooth. This impression is then sent to a dental laboratory where a custom-made permanent crown is made.
At your second appointment, the permanent crown is fitted. If the fit, shape and colour of the crown are satisfactory, your dentist will proceed with its permanent cementing.

4 types of dental crown in Hungary

Porcelain fused to metal (PFM) crowns

A porcelain-fused-to-metal crown is a crown with a metal base but a porcelain coating, so it is as white as your teeth. The price of a porcelain-fused crown in Hungary is €150.

Zirconium crowns

A zirconium crown is manufactured using CAD/CAM technology to ensure a successful appearance and perfect fit. It is most often used for aesthetic reasons. Zirconium crowns are more commonly used for the frontal area. The price of a zirconium crown in Hungary is €200.

E-max porcelain crowns in Hungary

All-porcelain (pressed ceramic) crowns are the best choice when the crowns meet exceptional aesthetic requirements, as this material is able to imitate natural tooth enamel as naturally as possible. It is only used for crowns. The crown material is slightly thicker than zirconium, so a little more tooth material has to be filed away during preparation. The price of an e.max porcelain crown is €300.

Gold crowns are available on request, but their price depends on the real price of gold and the size of the tooth must be capped.

Whichever type of crown you choose, a temporary crown will be fitted to protect your prepared tooth and ensure normal speech and chewing functions until you get your permanent crown.

Which crown is the most effective solution?

Consider factors such as

  • How much money do you want to spend on crowns?
  • Which tooth should be crowned?
  • What is the status of the teeth next to the one to be crowned?
  • What is your overall oral hygiene?

Don’t forget to consult your dentist in Budapest, Hungary before making any decisions, but we’ll try to help you by giving you a few tips:

Full porcelain crowns are the most beautiful, but also the most expensive and the most delicate. They are an excellent solution for front teeth. However, they cannot be used to replace missing teeth, as they cannot be used to make a bridge. They are metal-free, so if you are allergic to any metal, they may be the perfect choice for you. They are a little more fragile than porcelain fused to metal crowns, so molar crowns are not recommended. Crowns need to be a little thicker, so more tooth material needs to be removed while the tooth is being prepared for a crown.

Zirconium crowns are biocompatible and very durable. They are therefore ideal for all teeth, whether in the front or in the molar region. This type of crown requires as few tooth extractions as possible. It’s a very hard material, so it works well even in thinner layers. Because it is a hard material, it can be used to make longer bridges. It is less expensive than porcelain crowns, but more expensive than porcelain fused to metal crowns.

Porcelain fused to metal crowns are a good solution for those who are looking for a more economical solution than zirconium and solid porcelain crowns and who do not suffer from metal allergies. The greatest advantage of this crown is its durability, since the metal or nickel-free gold alloy frame can be used for a long time. The porcelain coating on the frame makes it aesthetically pleasing, but less natural-looking than zircon. This is why it is more commonly used in the molar region. Thanks to the metal framework, they adapt perfectly to a prepared tooth.

Gold crowns last the longest of all types of crown if you maintain good oral hygiene. Gold crowns have a gold frame and are covered with a layer of porcelain. It is 100% allergy-free and fits perfectly into a prepared tooth, so there is no risk of decay.

Dental veneers or crowns in Hungary?

If you’re wondering whether you need porcelain crowns or veneers for your front teeth, you obviously want a new smile. It’s not so easy to tell you what the ideal solution is without a medical examination, but there are a few guidelines that will help you. When it comes to crowns for front teeth for a perfect look, zirconium or porcelain materials are recommended. However, the easiest way to decide is to book a free, no-obligation consultation at a Budapest clinic in Hungary.

Crowns are recommended in the following cases:

  1. Teeth are severely discoloured.
  2. If you have larger fillings in your tooth.
  3. If you have lost a lot of tooth enamel.
  4. If you already have crowns, which can only be replaced by crowns.
  5. If you want to fill larger gaps between your teeth.
  6. Your teeth are badly misaligned.
  7. You grind your teeth.
  8. Your tooth has undergone root canal treatment
  9. The shape or position of your tooth needs to be significantly corrected.

It’s good news that veneers and crowns can be combined, but not on the same tooth. Crowns are known to be a more invasive procedure than veneers, so few people prefer crowns. Porcelain crowns and veneers can be combined because they are made from the same ceramic raw material, meaning that if a person has one or two root canal-treated teeth, these teeth must be crowned, but the adjacent healthy teeth can have veneers and no one will notice the difference!

Materials used

  • Crown and bridge material :
  • Metal alloy with porcelain coating
  • Porcelain-coated gold alloy
  • Nickel-titanium alloy with ceramic coating
  • Zirconium, aluminium dioxide with ceramic coating

Post-operative problems

  1. The surface of temporary inlays, bridges or crowns may be rough or not smooth enough.
  2. The tooth may be more sensitive
  3. The gums may be sensitive for a few days
  4. Temporary inlays, bridges or crowns may fall out due to overloading.
  5. After treatment, the tooth may be sensitive to cold or heat and its occlusal function may be reduced.

Post-operative follow-up

Getting used to crowns or bridges can take weeks or even months. Adjustment and height correction may be necessary on several occasions. After fitting, vital teeth may be sensitive to cold and heat and chewing function may diminish, but this will pass after a while. This period depends on the individual. It may take half a year for the symptoms to disappear.

This may be due to the formation of a protective layer of dentin around the pulp, which is how your body protects your teeth. As this can take several months, we ask you to be patient.

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About the author


My name is Manuella Fiorentini. I am an experienced marketing professional in the medical device and pharmaceutical industries. With over 7 years' experience, I have worked in creative and strategic roles to develop marketing campaigns, product launches and international conferences.