Hair transplant in Tunisia

price hair transplant tunisia 1
Written by William

Everything you need to know about FUE & FUT hair transplants in Tunisia! What is the average price in Tunis? Our advice for a successful hair transplant in Tunisia. provides information about hair transplants in Tunisia and helps you book an operation with qualified surgeons. This content is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional.

Price of a hair transplant in Tunisia

In Tunisia, the average cost of a hair transplant is €1,850. The procedure is carried out under local anaesthetic and lasts 6 to 8 hours. The length of stay is 4 days. The price includes the anaesthetic, the operation and the medication. The final result is visible within 5 months.

ProceduresCost Tunisia
Hair transplant1800 €

Hair transplants are the last hope for people suffering from or on the verge of baldness. It is a fairly recent medical procedure, and although it is available in Europe, many people want to have it done elsewhere.

Tunisia is a particularly popular destination for Europeans and others from all over the world. Affordable prices combined with the expertise of the local doctors make it an attractive destination for this type of surgery.

Before undergoing a hair transplant in Tunisia, it is important to find out as much as possible about the subject. We invite you to find out everything you need to know about hair transplants in Tunisia here.

What is hair transplantation in Tunisia?

As you all know, a hair transplant is an operation that consists of repopulating a head of hair that has been lost or is in the process of disappearing. It is a hair surgery technique based on the extraction of grafts from a donor area, which will be re-implanted in the recipient area. The grafts are extracted from the patient himself, so it is an autograft.

The procedure can be performed on almost any patient profile, male or female, and of any age. More and more people around the world are suffering from baldness. In Europe, it affects around 13% of the population, or just over 8.5 million people. As a result, there is an ever-increasing demand for hair transplants.

How a hair transplant procedure works

Hair transplants take place in several stages, which doctors make a point of respecting. Let us take you through these stages one by one.

The pre-operative consultation

Beforehand, you will need to make an initial appointment with the doctor in charge of the operation so that he or she can diagnose the condition of your hair.

The interview lasts between half an hour and 45 minutes, and during it you will have the opportunity to find out as much as possible about the nature of the operation, how it will be carried out and what will happen afterwards.

It is during this interview that you will have the opportunity to ask the doctor any questions you may have. The pre-transplant consultation also serves to identify potential contraindications, although these are rare.

Here are the potential contraindications that could make you ineligible for a hair transplant:

  • Certain scalp diseases
  • Certain cardiovascular and respiratory diseases
  • Advanced blood coagulation problems
  • Certain types of allergy
  • Pregnancy or breast-feeding.

Course of the operation

The hair transplant procedure depends on the technique chosen. This will have been determined during the pre-transplant consultation session. In Tunisia, there are two main types of hair transplant surgery: FUE hair transplant and DHI hair transplant.

The FUE method

This is the most common type of hair transplant surgery performed in Tunisia. The acronym FUE stands for “Follicular Unit Extraction”. The FUE technique involves extracting each hair follicle from its root. This is done using a tool called a micro-punch, which generally has a diameter of between 0.7 and 1.1 mm. The hair follicle is extracted from the donor area and implanted in the recipient area.

The FUE technique can also be performed using a manual punch in certain cases. It is a method of hair transplantation that is reputed not to leave a linear scar on the scalp. The FUE graft produces only micro-scars, less than 1 mm in diameter, which are not visible to the naked eye after regrowth. This procedure is carried out under local anaesthetic.

The DHI technique

The other technique widely used in Tunisia is the DHI graft. This is carried out using a DHI implant stylet. This is also known as the Choi Pen. The DHI implant stylet is used to insert hair follicles into the recipient area without making an incision in the scalp. The follicle is aspirated by the surgeon and then inserted directly into the recipient area. This method makes it easy to control the angle and depth of the implantation.

The fact that the hair implantation can be precisely controlled means that good aesthetic results can be achieved.

Post-operative care

Like any type of surgery, hair implantation requires careful attention afterwards. How seriously you take your doctor’s instructions regarding post-operative care will determine whether or not the operation is a success. In addition to the success of the transplant, convalescence is also important to avoid infections of the scalp, which is temporarily weakened following surgery.

First of all, you should visit the surgeon who performed your hair transplant within a day. The surgeon will check the bulbs and apply an antiseptic. The procedure he or she will recommend to speed up your recovery depends on the type of transplant you have had, as well as your profile.

But broadly speaking, the guidelines are not to drink alcohol or smoke, and not to eat too much salt or spice. Depending on the nature of your professional activity, you will be advised to suspend it for a period of between 3 days and a week. Post-hair transplant convalescence is therefore not as restrictive and difficult as you might think. Sexual activity is prohibited for 10 to 15 days, to avoid a sudden rise in the temperature of the cranial epidermis.

Observation of results

The results appear after 3 or 4 months, when the hair starts to grow back. Note that in the week following the transplant, scabs will begin to form on your skull. This is completely natural, and will gradually fall off between the 8th and 30th day post-transplant.

The ideal hair transplant profile

As we said earlier, there are no special conditions for hair transplants. All you need to do is be over 18 and not have any of the eliminatory contraindications listed above. However, there is one recommendation relating to the patient’s age, which is to be over thirty. The reason for this is that before the age of 30, hormonal activity has not yet stabilised, and hair loss is closely linked to this. If you start to go bald before you’re 30, the best thing to do is to wait until you’ve blown out your 30th candle.

Why have a hair transplant in Tunisia?

Tunisia is a popular destination for medical tourism, particularly in the field of hair transplants. Along with Turkey, it is one of the most popular attractions. The reasons for this lie mainly in the price of transplants, which is much more affordable than in Europe. However, the medical quality is excellent, and the clinics have the most sophisticated equipment to carry out hair transplants efficiently and to the highest standards.

The skill of the surgeons, the quality of the equipment available and the affordability are three factors which, taken together, make Tunisia a preferred destination for hair transplants.

Why are prices more affordable?

The cost of a hair implant varies according to your specific surgical requirements. We will provide you with a detailed estimate during your consultation. The cost of a hair transplant in Tunisia is often between €1,700 and €2,500. On average, most patients receive between 2000 and 3000 grafts in a single session.

Many people wonder why the prices are so different, if the techniques are the same and the medical quality is so high. The simple explanation is that purchasing power in Tunisia is much lower than in Europe. As a result, prices are much lower.

The cost of an operation in Tunisia will be much lower than in Europe, even after adding travel costs and hotel reservations!

How do I get a hair transplant in Tunisia?

The procedure for a hair transplant in Tunisia is relatively complex. You need to choose a good clinic, book a hotel room nearby and take a plane ticket. To make things easier for you, our agency is at your service to take care of your entire journey. All you have to do is catch your plane, visit the surgeon, enjoy your hotel room and go home!

To take advantage of our services, you can request a quote now, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Having trouble choosing the right clinic at the best price? Our coordinator will help you free of charge to ensure the success of your operation in Tunisia. Ask us for a free quote.

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About the author


My name is William Royer and I am a medical writer experienced in writing complex scientific data. I specialise in immunology and haematology. I find great inspiration in working closely with a variety of healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses and patient advocates. I also publish reviews.