Hair transplant in Turkey

hair transplant Turkey 1
Written by Manuella

Considering a hair transplant in Turkey? This ultimate guide contains everything you need to know about the procedure, recovery and cost in Istanbul. Request a quote and get the best price for successful hair implants in Turkey. provides information about hair transplant in Turkey and helps you book operation with qualified Turkish surgeons. This content is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of a healthcare professional.

How much does a hair transplant cost in Turkey?

In Turkey, the average cost of a hair transplant is €1,800, including all accommodation and transport costs. The procedure is carried out under local anaesthetic and lasts 6-8 hours. The length of stay in Istanbul is 4 days, without hospitalisation. The price includes the anaesthetic, the operation and the medication. The final result is visible within 5 months.

FUT hair transplant1700 €
FUE hair transplant1800 €
HDI hair transplant1900 €
Afro hair transplant2200 €

Hair transplant in Turkey: The Ultimate Guide

A massive weapon of seduction for men, and a sure sign of femininity for women, hair on top of the body and skull forms a crown. It’s a crown you can’t lose, at least for a while.

When illness eats away at us, when hormones play tricks on us or when genetics are capricious, we sometimes lose our hair. Hair loss starts with small falls until you notice significant loss and total balding of the hairline or temples.

While some people cope very well with hair loss, others find it hard to see themselves in the mirror. The reflection they see of themselves reflects a feeling of powerlessness in the face of this unstoppable loss.

And when certain drugs such as Litfulo™ (ritlecitinib) or Minoxidil don’t work or no longer work, there’s a solution: hair transplant.

The aim is simple: to avoid going bald and, in the process, regain the hair of yesteryear. While the method is practised in several countries, Turkey remains a hair transplant paradise.

Right in the heart of Istanbul or Antalya, certain clinics offer the best hair transplant treatments with revolutionary and highly effective technologies. Hair transplants in Istanbul or Antalya are sure to win you over.

Ready for a hair transplant in Turkey ? Here we go!

Before and after photos of our patients

All you need to know about hair transplants in Turkey

Often synonymous with a complex, hair loss is a problem that can occur at any age in both men and women. Linked to a number of factors and with many possible causes, it can be referred to in a variety of ways:

  • Calvitia when hereditary ;
  • Androgenic alopecia when it involves androgen hormones ;
  • Pelade (alopecia areata) when it results from an autoimmune disease;
  • Scarring alopecia when the loss results from an injury to the scalp;
  • Traction alopecia following a hairstyle that is too tight (ponytail, wearing weaves, tight braids, chignon, etc.).

Hair loss is difficult to live with, caused by nutrient deficiencies (iron, zinc, selenium) and heavy medical treatments. And thyroid problems can disrupt the hair renewal cycle.

While a deficiency can be corrected with a dietary supplement, in many cases baldness or alopecia can be irreversible.

photo avant et apres d'une greffe de cheveux
before and after photos of a hair transplant

They say that “happiness can’t be bought, a good hair treatment can ” ! Hair transplants are a technique of aesthetic surgery that aims to replenish your hair. And in many cases, getting your hair and crown back makes you happy ! If hair made happiness, in this case, it can be bought.

In Istanbul, hair implants are available at the best prices. This is why many patients opt for this destination, in addition to the tourist attractions and the beauty of the banks of the Bosphorus. However, before you set off in search of the hair transplant in Turkey, a brief overview of this surgery.

Read our feature on Hair transplants among the stars.

What is a hair transplant?

Also known as hair implantation, hair transplantation involves taking grafts from the top of the skull and then implanting them in the bald area of the head. These units, known as grafts, are made up of 2 to 4 hairs. They are generally taken from the back crown where hair almost never falls out.

A method of non-invasive cosmetic surgery, hair transplantation is proving to be the best recourse for correcting alopecia. With highly visible results, it makes it possible to regain lost density.

After care and treatment, a prolonged period of growth results in real, definitive hair. The insistence of the treatments means that your hair will be as dense as before. This procedure is suitable for both men and women.

Simulation greffe de cheveux pour femme
Hair transplant simulation for women

With a hair transplant, say goodbye to the wig, the volumizer, the scarf on your head, the complex and the lowered self-esteem. Welcome a new look at yourself by making your dream of Rapunzel-style hair come true. Once you’ve applied the treatments and care provided, hair loss will no longer be a nightmare.

Hair transplants for women

According to a study by the ISHRS, female alopecia affects 1 in 5 women, usually caused by ageing, disease or hormonal changes after the menopause. Women experience thinning hair. To correct this problem, some women choose to wear a wig or hair extensions, or have a women’s hair transplant.

Hair transplants for men

Male alopecia affects 4 out of 5 men, with the cause being a significant thinning of their hair by the age of 50. Some men start losing their hair before the age of 21. This is the result of a genetic trait that comes from the parents.

Tracé de la ligne de la greffe capillaire par le chirurgien
Drawing of the hair transplant line by the surgeon

Other causes include certain medications, excess vitamin A or protein deficiency. Illness or stress can lead to sudden and severe hair loss, known as telogen effluvium.

When should a hair transplant be considered?

A hair transplant in Turkey is recommended whenever massive loss of hair density is observed. To this can be added the psychological aspect that this entails and, in many cases, determines the possibility of a hair transplant.

Premature baldness or alopecia can lead to a real complex or a feeling of unease in the sufferer. To the point of losing self-confidence.

Hair transplants are not just for the totally bald; they can also be considered for thin hair in search of thickness, or for a lowering of the hairline. While it is accessible from the age of 18, it is still recommended at 30 or 40 when hormonal activity has stabilised.

Prélèvement de la zone donneuse et greffe sur la zone receveuse
Removal of the donor area and grafting onto the recipient area

As a precaution, hair transplant can only be performed on a healthy person and scalp. Being a surgical procedure, hair transplantation requires knowledge of any previous illnesses and pathologies that could make the procedure complicated.

This parameter will be studied more closely by your plastic surgeon in Turkey, once you are on the consultation table.

Last but not least, hair transplants can only be considered for people whose skulls are not completely bald. The level of baldness or alopecia will be taken into account as well as the progression of hair loss. Baldness must be completely stabilised before proceeding with a transplant.

Rue Istiklal à Istanbul
Istiklal Street in Istanbul

This could lead to a further imbalance in volume and density. And let’s not forget that the grafts are taken from the back of the skull. The capacity and quality of the donor area remains an essential criterion for considering a hair implant.

Only a hair diagnosis can determine the possibility of a hair transplant.

When NOT to have a hair transplant?

It is not recommended to have a hair transplant in Turkey in the following cases:

  • Unstabilised hair loss
  • Scalp wounds and blisters
  • Thyroid disease and autoimmune disorders
  • Scalp or skin pain
  • People aged under 25
  • Patients with haemophilia
  • Donor area too small
  • If you are at stage 7 on the Norwood scale
Schéma de l'échelle de Norwood de la calvitie
Diagram of the Norwood baldness scale

What is the right age for a hair transplant?

In reality, there is no minimum age for getting a hair transplant. That said, there are some risks associated with hair transplants at a young age. Many people in their 20s immediately jump at hair transplants because they want to look good. But, looking good now can have a negative effect later on.

How long does a hair transplant last? Is it permanent?

The lifespan of a hair transplant can be permanent. During a hair transplant, grafts are taken from an area of the head where they are genetically programmed to continue growing. Even after being implanted in bald areas of the scalp, the transplanted hair follicles retain the characteristics of their origin and continue to grow for life.

Résultat du crâne après la greffe capillaire
Result of the skull after the hair transplant

This means that with the right surgeon and appropriate follow-up, an FUE, FUT or DHI hair transplant can last a lifetime.

Greffe de cheveux et différences ethniques

Hair transplantation is aimed at Caucasians. It is also aimed at all ethnic groups such as AsiansAfricans and Middle Easterners. This is known as ethnic hair transplant.

Caucasians tend to have oval strands of hair. Asian hair tends to be round and flat. African hair is curly and frizzy.

Africans suffering from hair loss are excellent candidates for an Afro hair transplant in Turkey due to the distinct characteristics of their hair. The curly, frizzy shape of black hair gives patients of African descent quite an advantage.

couple amoureux avec un homme sans cheveux
Couple in love with a man with no hair

This magnificent “curl” gives the impression of greater density, so fewer hair transplants are needed to achieve visible results.

Note that in the Islamic religion, hair transplants are not haram. It is halal and therefore accepted because it aims to remove a defect.

What are the different hair transplant techniques in Turkey?

Scientific advances have made hair transplants more successful and easier. Where hair transplants had to be performed manually, hair by hair, we now have robotic techniques that allow the surgery to be carried out in record time. And the results are exceptional.

To date, three hair transplant techniques are widespread and prized by surgeons : the FUT, the FUE and the DHI.

Hair transplant before and after photo
Hair transplant before and after photo

The differences between these three techniques lie in the method of removal and transplantation, and in the equipment used. Let’s take a look at these three techniques:

FUT hair transplants

The FUT technique is a method of hair graft transplantation that involves taking a strip of scalp from the base of the neck and closing it with stitches. A scar may result, but it will be so fine and linear that it will be imperceptible once the hair has grown back.

The grafts are then removed under a microscope by a surgeon to avoid damaging the follicles. The grafts are then cut into micrografts containing three to four hairs.

Résultat avant et après la greffe de cheveux
Results before and after hair transplantation

It is time to implement grafts in the receiving area. Minimal incisions are made to prepare the area and must follow a particular axis for a natural result. The hair is inserted into the incisions, this process can take between 4 and 5 hours, or can be completed in a single day.

The FUT allows between 1000 and 4000 hairs to be implanted. A scab may form and fall off 2 to 3 weeks after the transplant. Anti-hair loss treatments are strongly recommended.

schéma pour comprendre la différence entre la greffe FUE et FUT
Diagram to help you understand the difference between FUE and FUT transplants

FUE hair transplant

FUE for Follicular Unit Extraction involves extracting hair follicles from part of the back of the head. Here, rather than taking a strip of the entire scalp, the follicles will be extracted one by one from the donor area using a tool called a micropunch.  For easy access to the follicles, the surgeon may consider shaving the donor area.

Depending on the clinic, FUE transplants can be performed automatically. Some surgeons use a robot or machine to extract the hair bulbs from the donor area more easily and quickly. Here again, mastery of the technique is required to avoid damaging the hair follicles and obtain quality grafts.

The technique for implanting the grafts in the bald area is the same as for FUT. The surgeon makes incisions with a steel or sapphire blade electric micropunch to graft the hair one by one into the scalp.

Photo avant et après une greffe de cheveux en Turquie
Photo before and after a hair transplant in Turkey

FUE-Saphir hair transplant

In FUE hair transplants, you may hear about FUE-Sapphire. This name refers to the technique used to make the incisions. In fact, in FUE-Sapphire, the blade used to create the incisions on the donor area is made of sapphire stone instead of a steel blade.

The sapphire stone blade is soft and healthy, but it also reduces the risk of infection and contributes to faster healing. Sapphire blades also allow for more meticulous work and optimise the success of the graft.

This method is by far the safest for a successful and risk-free FUE transplant. The sapphire stone blade is the tool of choice for carrying out a hair transplant in the best health conditions and with the greatest comfort for the patient.

Simulation de l'abaissement de la ligne frontale chez la femme
Simulation of the lowering of the frontal line in women

DHI hair transplant

The DHI or Direct Hair Implantation hair transplant is a revolutionary method. In vogue since 2020, this technique is derived from FUE. It is very quick to implement, with almost simultaneous implant extraction. An HDI hair transplant session lasts between 2 and 3 hours, depending on the surgeon’s expertise.

During a HID hair transplant, hair follicles are removed from the donor area with a DHI pen. This sends local anaesthetic without an injection needle.

It will remove the hair one by one. The surgeon will implant the removed hair directly onto the balding area with this same pen, without having to create incisions. That’s because the pen itself has sapphire microblades to enable implantation.

Photos avant et après une greffe DHI en Turquie
Before and after photos of a DHI transplant in Turkey

This reduces the time between extraction and implantation, and also enables rapid healing. As a result, the graft remains outside the body for less time, making it safer and healthier to use.

But what’s more, the donor area will heal faster and the incisions won’t stay open for long. The DHI micro-sapphire method is the best technique to choose for a healthy and fast hair transplant. What’s more, it provides comfort and fewer constraints for both patient and surgeon.

At your appointment with the surgeon, you can choose the technique you feel most comfortable with. Note that the DHI technique remains the ultimate method. However, the final decision may rest with the practitioner after hair diagnosis.

PRP treatment

The Platelet Rich Plasma treatment refers to a treatment that uses Plasma rich in platelets, hormone, leukocytes and cytokine. PRP treatment itself is not a hair transplant technique.

Traitement PRP et purification du sang
PRP treatment and blood purification

But it is one of the treatments you can receive after a hair transplant. It guarantees the post-operative success of a hair transplant. That said, this is artificial cosmetic surgery that requires a clinic procedure.

To do this, the surgeon will draw blood from the patient. The blood will then be placed in a centrifuge to separate the PRP from the other blood components. The PRP blood is then injected into the patient’s scalp using a micro-needling tool.

The aim of this technique is to improve blood circulation and the renewal of the hair cycle. Recommended after a hair transplant, it provides more than satisfactory results from the hair operation. The PRP treatment lasts approximately 45 minutes.

How do hair transplants work in Turkey?

Your hair transplant in Turkey can start as soon as we make contact. We have a strict, well-established protocol, to maximise the chances of success. Your treatment can last up to 6 to 12 months after the transplant, as we provide post-operative follow-up.

Hair diagnosis

The first contact with your cosmetic surgeon consists of a consultation and hair diagnosis. You do not need to travel to Turkey for this.

The first consultation can be done online. It will consist of a hair assessment and diagnosis. People with HIV are eligible for this surgery.

Simulation de la réduction du front chez la femme
Simulation of forehead reduction in women.

As each patient is unique, so are their hair structure and hair type. During this initial consultation, the practitioner will provide you with an assessment based on the photos you have sent beforehand.

In addition to the hair analysis, the doctor also performs a assessment of your state of health. He may ask you to have a blood test. The results of these will guide the medical opinion afterwards, but also the appropriate treatment to proceed with a hair transplant.

The first appointment with the hair surgeon is the most essential time to find out more about hair transplants in Turkey: technique used, length of stay, duration of treatment, post-operative follow-up. The doctor will answer all your questions.

The first consultation in Turkey

The first consultation in Istanbul enters the medical phase. This in-clinic consultation will analyse your scalp and the elasticity and density of your hair.

Bilan capillaire avec un scanner
Hair assessment with a scanner

An initial clinical assessment will also determine the number of grafts required and the hair transplant method best suited to your scalp. This is also when the doctor will determine the donor area, the quality of the grafts and the number required.

Between the time of the clinical consultation and the transplant, you can also let yourself be inspired by the metropolis of Istanbul. Time to de-stress and say goodbye to that bald head that has long made you lose confidence.

A date with your new hair

This is the long-awaited moment to have your hair implant. You will be received in the clinic by a team of professionals who will take great care of you. Medical and psychological support is especially important during this phase.

diagnostic capillaire chez la femme
Hair diagnosis in women

Session duration

The hair transplant itself takes place under local anaesthetic. The session can last between 5 and 8 hours, depending on the number of grafts and the technique chosen. Up to 4,000 grafts can be produced in a single session.

When implanting the grafts, it’s best not to take a break. So as to preserve the quality and health of the grafts, given that they are sensitive. The more they are in contact with the air, the more polluted they become.

séance d'une greffe capillaire
Hair transplant session

Transplantation procedure

During transplantation, the area and angle of the incisions must be carefully studied. So that the regrowth follows the natural direction of the hair. This crucial stage relies on the surgeon’s expertise and determines the success or otherwise of hair transplants.

Under local anaesthetic, hair transplantation is a painless operation. When the anaesthetic wears off, you may feel a slight tingling sensation in your scalp. But this will only last a few hours, while the scalp heals.

If you opt for micro DHI Saphir and the FUE technique, the healing time lasts no more than 24 hours. What’s more, scars won’t even be visible with this technique.

implant de greffon par la méthode DHI
Graft implantation using the DHI method

During a hair transplant, there may be risks of bleeding or damage to the hair follicles. Everything depends on the surgeon’s expertise, but also on the quality of the services and care provided during the operation.

After the operation

Once the grafts have been attached to your hair, a resting phase is indicated. During this phase, only the treatments and products recommended by your doctor should be applied to your scalp (lotions, creams, medication). The first shampoo should not be used until 24 hours after the operation.

It is advisable not to lower the head during the healing phase to avoid blood flow and the formation of oedema. This could damage the implanted follicles, which are still fragile. Exposure to the sun is also not recommended. If you want to enjoy the fresh Istanbul air, it’s essential to wear a hat.

soins des cheveux avec vitamines
Hair care with vitamins

It is advisable to take painkillers. In the evening, you should sleep in a seated position with your trunk raised. Use a soft cushion to support your neck.

After 2 days, you will have another clinic appointment to see if the graft has been successful. The doctor will judge the success of the graft by the condition of your scalp. Although it is still too early to make a definitive judgement. Please follow the instructions and precautions for the next 7 days.

Care will continue over the coming months with check-ups in 6 to 12 months in the clinic. A dedicated follow-up team will ensure that post-operative care is administered correctly and that your hair grafts are healthy.

check up du chirurgien poendant la greffe de cheveux
Surgeon’s check-up during hair transplantation

The first results

Between 3 to 6 weeks of implantation, 80% of grafts will fall out. Don’t panic, this shedding effect is unavoidable. But it means that the grafts have taken root. They will therefore give rise to new hair that will be visible within 3 to 4 months.

After 12 months, the results will be so visible that this episode of androgenetic alopecia or baldness will no longer be anything more than a nightmare for you.

Risks, complications and side effects

There may be rare risks during a hair transplant :

  • Visible scars ;
  • Nerve damage ;
  • Inflammation of the hair follicles ;
  • Loss of feeling in the skull;
  • Inflammation of the hair follicles ;
  • Sparse donor area.
Report on hair transplants in Turkey

Hence the importance of trusting us to properly choose your surgeon in Istanbul and opt for a reputed and experienced practitioner.

In Islam, hair transplants are considered halal and acceptable as long as they are used to correct a defect. It is therefore not haram.

A wheelchair hire service is available on request to make travelling easier for people with reduced mobility.

Precautions to take after a hair transplant in Turkey

As after any surgery, it is essential to take a few precautions to keep your hair healthy. Among the required :

  • A healthy, balanced diet containing the vitamins and minerals needed for hair growth and strengthening.
  • Food supplements to avoid deficiencies
  • Pay particular attention to the choice of your hair products (shampoo, mask, etc.). Watch out for essential oils and too-tight hairstyles that could cause you to lose your hair graft. In any case, your doctor will prescribe the right care and products for you.
  • Wear a hat or other protective accessory when out in the sun or cold, at the pool or in the sea.
  • Clippers are not permitted for 6 months after the operation.
Simulation photo avant et apres la greffe de cheveux
Before and after hair transplant photo simulation

How do I prepare for a hair transplant in Turkey?

For several years now, many patients from all over the world have been choosing Turkey for hair surgery.

The expertise of the doctors, the reliability of the techniques and the preferential rates make Turkey a choice destination for hair transplants. Patients can look forward to packages costing three times less than in Europe and 5-star care.

But more than that, to attract more customers. The country has developed practical and comfortable holiday packages. The All-Inclusive package includes accommodation, catering and various on-site services, to make your stay in Turkey as comfortable as possible.

Illustration all inclusive pour les voyageurs médicaux

Choosing a clinic and a surgeon in Turkey

The first step is to choose your clinic in Turkey and your hair surgeon carefully to avoid a botched hair transplant. With so many options on offer, you may feel lost. To make sure you make the best choice, trust us and contact us.

Above all, rely on the expertise, reputation and success of the clinic and the surgeon. The success of your hair transplant depends on the surgeon, so it’s a good idea to choose the best for such a delicate operation.

Remember that hair transplants are irreversible and that your scalp is sensitive. You’re not going to entrust it to just anyone.

Hall de Natural Clinic à Istanbul
Hall of an aesthetic clinic in Istanbul

Don’t hesitate to gather opinions, testimonials and as much information as you can about hair transplants in Istanbul or Antalya. The Internet and social networks are a mine of information.

The best hair transplant clinics in Istanbul

Our partner clinics are the best hair transplant clinics in Turkey. In the heart of Istanbul, we welcome you to a very clean, comfortable and safe place with a warm and welcoming atmosphere provided by our team.

The surgeons are renowned for their skills and mastery of all hair transplant techniques. With decades of experience, like surgeon Serkan Aygin, they are also renowned for their benevolence and availability to patients.

Trois chirurgiens plasticiens
Three plastic surgeons

Our professional team provides the best care and treatment, from initial contact to post-operative follow-up. Hair transplants at our clinic are comfortable, safe and reassuring. Our team speaks French, English, Italian, Spanish, German and Arabic.

Translators are available to remove any language barriers. We offer all-inclusive hair transplant packages: Flight, Taxi, Hotel, Operation, Medication.

Preparing for your trip

Once you have chosen a clinic, prepare for your trip. In many cases, clinics offer All-Inclusive packages. In addition to the surgery, these include transport, plane tickets, accommodation, catering and even services and activities on site. All that remains is for you to prepare your passport and residence visa (the clinic will also provide assistance with this step).

Centre commercial Torun Center à Istanbul
Torun Center shopping centre in Istanbul

The length of your stay in Istanbul

The stay for a hair transplant in Istanbul or Antalya lasts approximately 6 to 7 days. This is the estimated time to carry out a transplant in the best conditions. The stay at the clinic will only last 2 days maximum and the rest of the time, you can take advantage to discover Istanbul and its thousand and one nights.

However, there’s nothing to stop you extending your medical stay to enjoy Turkey.

How much does a hair transplant cost in Turkey?

The ultimate question! And the one that drives hundreds of thousands of patients to choose a hair transplant in Turkey, is the cost of this surgery. The cost of hair surgery on the shores of the Bosphorus can be up to 70% cheaper than the cost in Europe.

coordinatrice à Istanbul
Coordinator in Istanbul

Expect to pay between €1,700 and €2,500 for a hair transplant in Istanbul. However, this price varies according to the techniques used, the complexity of the modification and the surgeon’s reputation. For a precise price and an opinion from the best plastic surgeon in Istanbul, ask for a personalised quote.

If you’re struggling to make a choice, we can help you succeed with your hair transplant, and at a reduced cost.

Enjoy a FREE evaluation!

On request and
with no obligation on your part.

100% free consultation. We analyse your situation, your needs and your expectations. And we estimate the budget required for : Flight + Hotel + Taxi + Treatment.

At all times, you retain complete control over the process. Total peace of mind.

FAQ – Frequently asked questions

How long does a hair transplant last in Turkey?

The hair implanted during a hair transplant in Turkey has the same lifespan as the hair in the donor area. They also retain their growth cycle. This means that the results are permanent. So, after treatment, you’ll be safe from baldness.

Hair transplants are recommended for people aged 18 and over, although the best results are generally obtained between the ages of 35 and 40, when hair loss stabilises.

Hair transplantation is a minor surgical procedure performed under local anaesthetic. During the operation, it is possible to feel a little pain, particularly during the extraction of the follicles and the insertion of the implants. But the pain is at a reasonable level.

Turkey is undoubtedly the best place to have a hair transplant. It is a country renowned for the quality of its care, the affordability of its operations and, above all, the skill of its surgeons. They are qualified and experienced specialists.

Transplanted hair goes through a phase of loss. This phase is normal and occurs 3 weeks after the transplant. This hair loss is known as “post-transplant shock”. The implanted hair will then grow back and return to its normal growth cycle.

To have a hair transplant in Turkey, you need to stay for 6 to 7 days. That said, you only need to stay at the clinic for two days. The rest of the time is free for you to explore the magnificent city of Istanbul.

Hair transplant prices in Turkey are often lower than in Europe. The cost of living in Turkey is lower than in Western countries. Staff and operating costs are lower. The very high concentration of hair transplant clinics means that prices are lower.

About the author


My name is Manuella Fiorentini. I am an experienced marketing professional in the medical device and pharmaceutical industries. With over 7 years' experience, I have worked in creative and strategic roles to develop marketing campaigns, product launches and international conferences.