In vitro fertilisation in Turkey

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Written by Manuella

IVF (in vitro fertilisation) is an assisted reproduction technique used in Turkey to treat infertility by means of fertilisation outside the woman’s body and the transfer of one or more embryos into the uterus. provides information about In Vitro Fertilisation in Turkey and helps you book an operation with qualified surgeons. This content is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional.

How much does In Vitro Fertilisation cost in Turkey?

The average cost of IVF in Turkey in Istanbul is €2,200. Depending on your needs, the price can vary from 2,000 euros to 2,700 euros.

ProcedureCost Turkey
In Vitro Fertilisation2200 €

The difficulty of procreating is leading many couples to resort to MAP (Medically Assisted Reproduction) to fulfil their desire for a child. The prohibitive prices in Europe and the ever-increasing delays are driving future parents to look for faster, more accessible solutions.

Today, IVF in Turkey (In Vitro Fertilisation) is the preferred option, thanks to its undeniable advantages.

What is In Vitro Fertilisation?

In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) is used to treat infertility in Turkey. It is an auxiliary technology that enables infertile couples to become parents of a healthy child. Turkish IVF clinics are known the world over for their impeccable service and high standard of infertility treatment.

Why choose IVF in Turkey?

There are many reasons:

  • Turkish doctors work in modern facilities, with success rates of up to 75%;
  • There are over 140 IVF clinics in Turkey, notably in Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir and Antalya;
  • These clinics are equipped with the latest technology and comply with health and safety standards. They are ISO 9001 certified and JCI (Joint Commission International) accredited;
  • Fast turnaround times. A few weeks, compared with an average of a year and a half in Europe;
  • Administrative formalities are straightforward, as they are the same as for tourists;
  • The cost of IVF in Turkey is 60% lower than in Europe.

IVF success rate in Turkey

The success rate for natural procreation is 25% for a young couple aged between 20 and 30. The average success rate for IVF in Europe is lower, at 20.3% per attempt.

In Turkey, the success rate is :

  • 40-50% for couples under 40, rising to 65% and even 71% for women under 35;
  • 25-30% for couples over 40, rising to 54% for women aged between 40 and 45.

Which IVF in Turkey should I choose?

There are various MAP procedures. It is up to the doctor to select the method that is right for you, based on your age criteria and the results of tests assessing the causes of the couple’s infertility.

Who is IVF suitable for?

IVF in Turkey is a highly effective medical response to infertility problems in women aged over 40 and/or with certain characteristics: reduced functional ovaries, damaged or blocked fallopian tubes, uterine fibroids, uterine polyps, etc. IVF can also be used to compensate for a father’s weak or insufficient sperm count.

As elsewhere, IVF in Turkey – and all other MAP procedures – is carried out by a multidisciplinary team of doctors, including a gynaecologist, psychologist, embryologist, biomedical specialists and, of course, a team of nurses and carers.

The concept of IVF

“In vitro” is Latin for “in the glass”, meaning “in a test tube” for fertilisation. This is why the first births following IVF were considered to be “test-tube babies”. The concept is to reproduce in the laboratory the process of fertilisation “in vivo”, i.e. “within living organisms”.

To increase the chances of success, the doctor collects several female gametes – oocytes – following hormone treatment. Designed to stimulate the ovaries, this treatment increases oocyte production. At the same time, when the time comes, the father-to-be collects his sperm (the male gametes) by masturbation on the clinic’s premises.

The oocytes are placed in an incubator called a Petri dish, surrounded by around 100,000 spermatozoa. This environment reproduces natural temperature conditions, as well as the presence and pressure of oxygen and carbon dioxide. A camera is used to monitor the interactions between the gametes and their development.

After a day, the doctors identify which oocytes have been fertilised. They remain in the incubator for 2 to 5 days, before being implanted in the uterus when the embryologist deems the time to be right.

Read our special report: IVF PGD with selection of the baby’s sex in Turkey

Other methods of medically assisted procreation

Because Turkish medicine is at the cutting edge of research, all types of MAP procedure are possible in Turkey.

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection – ICSI

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection is particularly suitable for fathers suffering from insufficient sperm production and/or reduced mobility.

The injection takes place under a powerful microscope. The embryologist reproduces the natural penetration of a spermatozoon into the cytoplasm surrounding the oocyte’s chromosomes. To do this, it has to pass through the follicular cells, the zona pellucida and then the plasma membrane protecting the egg. The male gamete is selected from among the best elements to increase the chances of success.

Magnified sperm injection – IMSI

Magnified sperm injection is also known as Scored Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (SICSI). This latest MAP method is even more effective than ICSI for fathers suffering from severe sperm damage. It uses the same principle, but with an even more powerful microscope, enabling the sperm to be selected even more carefully.

In particular, IMSI can be used to rule out sperm with vacuoles on the head. These tiny craters are in fact a sign of excessively fragmented DNA, which hampers the viability of the embryo.

Intrauterine insemination – IUI

Intrauterine insemination does not go through the in vitro fertilisation stage, but is injected directly into the uterus. The spermatozoa are selected and injected at the ideal moment for fertilisation to occur.

This technique is mainly aimed at women under the age of 35, as the success rate drops to less than 12% after this age.

How is IVF carried out in Turkey?

IVF in Turkey takes place in several stages.

1 – Pre-IVF tests in Turkey

The doctors’ first task is to identify the causes of the infertility, in order to determine the most appropriate MAP method. Depending on the results of the various tests, the doctor may prescribe a course of medication in addition to a specific diet.

Sperm evaluation test

The sperm evaluation test is used to determine whether the father’s sperm is responsible for preventing the woman from becoming pregnant. The tests aim to assess sperm density and motility.

Progesterone test

Progesterone is an essential hormone for a healthy pregnancy. The test ensures that it is produced during the second half of the menstrual cycle after ovulation.

The prolactin test

Prolactin is an essential hormone for milk production. However, if it is present in excess, it can interfere with foetal development.

Ovarian reserve test

The ovarian reserve test involves taking a blood sample analysing hormones to assess the number of eggs produced by the ovaries.

Tubal patency test

The tubal patency test focuses on the patency of the fallopian tubes, examined during an ultrasound scan.

Screening tests for infectious diseases

Finally, screening for various infectious diseases is essential to avoid complications for both mother and child. These include screening for hepatitis B, rubella, chlamydia, chickenpox and HIV.

2 – Ovarian stimulation

Ovarian stimulation helps the organs to produce several oocytes, rather than the usual one. The treatment must be followed from the start of the menstrual cycle until the oocytes are punctured.

3 – Oocyte puncture

The oocytes are punctured 36 hours after the injection of GnRH or hCG hormones, at the time of ovulation. It is carried out through the vagina, under ultrasound guidance, and takes an average of fifteen minutes.

The gynaecologist removes the follicular fluids and passes them to a biologist, who extracts the oocytes before placing them in the incubator.

4 – Insemination

The spermatozoa are placed in the incubator. In the case of ICSI or IMSI, only one male gamete is used to be introduced directly into the oocyte.

5 – Embryo transfer

After 2 to 5 days, the embryologist extracts the embryos obtained by in vitro fertilisation. The number transferred depends on the parents’ choice, up to a limit of three embryos. Embryos that are not implanted can be frozen or vitrified and stored in liquid nitrogen at -196°C. The parents may consider a new transfer, in the event of failure or for a new pregnancy.

6 – Pregnancy

The pregnancy resumes its normal course. In the two weeks following the embryo transfer, one or more embryos will hatch and enter the uterine mucosa. A blood test is then taken to confirm that the process has been successful.

The pregnant woman is then prescribed a treatment lasting until the eighth week of pregnancy. Throughout the pregnancy, the mother-to-be will undergo blood tests and ultrasound scans to ensure that the foetus is developing properly.

If the pregnancy fails, the hormone treatment is stopped. It is up to the gynaecologist to determine the date for a new implantation using frozen or vitrified supernumerary embryos.

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About the author


My name is Manuella Fiorentini. I am an experienced marketing professional in the medical device and pharmaceutical industries. With over 7 years' experience, I have worked in creative and strategic roles to develop marketing campaigns, product launches and international conferences.