Gastric balloon in Turkey

gastric balloon Turkey 1 1
Written by Émilie

Everything you need to know about the endoscopic gastric balloon and the Allurion Elipse gastric balloon in Turkey! What is the average price in Istanbul? Our advice for successful gastric balloon surgery in Turkey. provides information on the Allurion Elipse and endoscopic gastric balloon in Turkey and helps you book an operation with qualified bariatric surgeons. This content is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of a healthcare professional.

How much does a gastric balloon cost in Turkey?

In Istanbul, an endoscopic gastric balloon costs €1,100 for 6 months and €2,200 for 12 months. You need to allow €200 to remove it. An Allurion Elipse gastric balloon costs €2,100. The balloon takes up space in the stomach and allows you to feel full quickly. The technique is reversible, painless, safe and ambulatory.

This price includes the balloon, hospital fees, medication, X-ray analysis, nutritional supplements (vitamins, proteins and collagen), linguistic assistance and follow-up by a nutritionist.

Gastric balloon 6 months1100 €
Gastric balloon 12 months2200 €
Allurion Elipse gastric balloon2100 €
Removal of gastric balloon200 €


Did you know? In 2016, there were just over 1.9 billion overweight adults in the world, including 650 million who were obese. 6 years later, the WHO is sounding the alarm, describing this phenomenon as a veritable “epidemic”.

And it’s no coincidence that obesity is now defined as a public health issue: it can lead to numerous health problems, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and certain cancers.

Femme complexée par son ventre
A woman with a complex about her tummy

Faced with this situation, the number of solutions to obesity has steadily increased: lifestyle changes (particularly with regard to diet and physical activity), medication, psychological care, etc. When these measures are not enough, it is possible to turn to obesity surgery, also known as bariatric surgery.

Gastric ballooning is one of the most effective ways of promoting weight loss. But what exactly does it involve? And why is it better to go to Turkey to have this operation? Here’s how it works.

A few general points about the gastric balloon

Definition of the gastric balloon

Gastric ballooning is a non-surgical procedure used to combat obesity. The procedure is suitable for both men and women. Like all treatments for obesity, whether surgical or non-surgical, it is a temporary means of losing weight: obesity, and in particular morbid obesity, is in fact considered to be a chronic disease that needs to be “cared for throughout one’s life”.

Ballon gastrique gonflé et dégonflé
Inflated and deflated gastric balloon

The use of a gastric balloon aims to change patients’ eating habits by reducing the sensation of hunger.

In practical terms, a balloon is swallowed or placed in the stomach. It is then filled with air or liquid to occupy part of the gastric volume. Thanks to the presence of this balloon, patients will feel full more quickly, which will encourage them to eat less.

Unlike gastric banding or the gastric sleeve technique, the gastric balloon does not require surgery: it is therefore a minimally invasive treatment, which makes it quite popular with patients.

Of course, this technique cannot be considered a miracle solution for weight loss. As Dr Maeva Guillaume describes, “The balloon does 50% of the work”: it is then up to patients to put in place an appropriate lifestyle by practising regular physical activity and adopting good eating habits.

However, gastric ballooning can be a lifesaver for patients who refuse to undergo traditional surgery.

Who can benefit from gastric balloon surgery in Turkey?

Whether performed in Europe or Turkey, gastric ballooning is aimed at obese or overweight patients for whom initial nutritional support has not produced the desired results.

Most medical centres useBMI (Body Mass Index) to determine whether or not a patient can benefit from this procedure.

As a reminder, BMI is a measurement that establishes a relationship between a person’s height and weight. Patients who may benefit from gastric balloon surgery have a BMI:

  • 27 to 30: overweight people;
  • 30 to 35: these are people who are moderately obese;
  • 35 to 40: severe obesity;
  • Over 40: morbid obesity.
Calcul de l'IMC
Calculating BMI

The gastric balloon is not intended for patients wishing to lose weight for purely cosmetic reasons: it is a medical device designed to limit the health risks associated with obesity. There are also certain contraindications to this device: these are assessed at the first appointment with the surgeon.

The operation procedure

The procedure for fitting a gastric balloon in Turkey is exactly the same as in Europe. Here are the main stages.

Before the gastric balloon is inserted

First of all, you will meet a number of health professionals:

  • A gastroenterologist: this initial appointment will enable you to check that a gastric balloon is suitable for your situation. You will be able to ask questions about the operation, potential risks, post-operative follow-up, etc.
  • An anaesthetist: this is a compulsory appointment before any anaesthetic procedure. This is an opportunity to take stock of any allergies you may have and to check that there are no contraindications if you are taking medication at the same time.
  • A nutritionist or dietician: he or she will define a dietary programme tailored to your situation, to enhance the effectiveness of the system.
  • A sports coach: although not always offered, this appointment can be useful in helping patients resume physical activity after the operation.
  • A psychologist: this consultation may be necessary for some patients, particularly if a psychological problem is at the root of an unbalanced diet.
Diagram of the endoscope with the capsule up to the stomach

Balloon insertion for men and women

Depending on the patient’s BMI, different gastric balloons can be used. They differ in terms of composition, method of application and the length of time they remain in the stomach.

Endoscopic gastric balloons

Spatz, Orbera or Heliosphère BAG balloons require a fibroscopy of the stomach (also known as an endoscopic gastric balloon). These balloons can be used as part of a 6-month treatment or a 12-month treatment, depending on the model.

Performed under anaesthetic by a gastroenterologist, fibroscopy involves inserting a cable fitted with a camera into the stomach. The (deflated) gastric balloon is then inserted through the mouth into the stomach. Once in place, it is filled with air or liquid using a catheter.

This operation generally takes between 15 and 20 minutes, after which the patient is placed under observation for a few hours.

For an Allurion Ellipse gastric balloon

The Allurion balloon (formerly known as the Elipse) is a type of swallowable gastric balloon that does not require endoscopy.

Procédure de mise en place du ballon gastrique
Procedure for inserting the gastric balloon

The patient begins by swallowing the balloon, which is placed inside a small capsule. Once the capsule has dissolved, the balloon is filled (again using a catheter) with a sterile saline solution.

The operation takes approximately the same time as the fibroscopy technique: around twenty minutes. After about 4 months, the balloon degrades in the stomach, before being evacuated naturally through the digestive tract.

After placement

Once the balloon has been placed in the stomach, multidisciplinary follow-up is put in place to help patients lose weight on a long-term basis:

  • On a medical level: in the few days following the operation, certain side effects may be felt (nausea, abdominal pain, etc.). The gastroenterologist may then prescribe medication to alleviate the pain, as well as a possible leave from work.
  • Nutrition: about once a month, an appointment is arranged with a nutritionist or dietician to review the patient’s eating habits.
  • On a physical level: an adapted physical activity programme is put in place to enable the patient to lose weight sustainably and effectively.
Le Pack gastrique Allurion
The Allurion gastric pack

While Elipse balloons degrade naturally after 4 months, other types of gastric balloon must be removed after 6 or 12 months: removal is carried out using a simple fibroscopy of the stomach.

Afterwards, it is of course necessary to continue with the physical and nutritional habits that have been put in place to avoid the risk of weight regain.

Why go to Istanbul for gastric balloon surgery?

Has your doctor advised you to have a gastric balloon fitted to help you lose weight? Well, before making an appointment at your local clinic, you should know that it may be much more advantageous to travel to Istanbul. Here are 2 reasons why.

Vue panoramique sur Istanbul
Panoramic view of Istanbul

Equivalent quality of service

Since gastric balloon surgery is less expensive in Istanbul, it’s perfectly legitimate to ask yourself: can you get the same quality of service in a clinic in Turkey as you would in a private clinic in Europe?

And the answer is yes! The procedure is exactly the same, and each operation is carried out to strict medical standards. As in Europe, you will also benefit from full medical, physical and nutritional follow-up to enhance the effectiveness of the procedure.

What’s more, Turkey is home to some very good doctors specialising in weight loss surgery. You can therefore go ahead with your eyes closed, with the guarantee of personalised, high-quality care.

Ballon gastrique gonflé et dégonflé
Inflated and deflated gastric balloon

Do you have HIV? A special clinic has been set aside for you to have a gastric balloon inserted in complete safety for both you and the staff.

How much weight can you lose with a gastric balloon?

The weight loss you can expect is specific to the patient’s profile. With an ALLURION ELIPSE gastric balloon, you will lose up to 15% of your initial weight in the first 6 weeks after fitting.

In general, we see a loss of 10 to 20% of total weight in the first few months of treatment. For a 100 kg patient, for example, the loss could be between 10 and 20 kilos.

After removal, if the patient maintains a healthy, balanced lifestyle, they can lose almost half their initial weight. Excess weight loss is 90% guaranteed.

Le ballon gastrique Allurion dans la main de la coordinatrice
The Allurion gastric balloon in the coordinator’s hand

What can I eat with a gastric balloon?

A gastric balloon must be fitted in consultation with a nutritionist. After the operation, your diet will be closely monitored. This will also be an opportunity to learn how to eat better, discover new recipes and concoct healthy dishes.

  • During the first week, you will eat only liquid food.
  • In the second week, the amount of food you eat should be blended like baby food.
  • In the third week, you can start eating soft foods.
  • From the fourth week onwards, you can start with a normal diet.
  • All this is supplemented with vitamins, proteins and collagen.
The Allurion Elipse welcome kit

Here are a few precautions to take after the placement of a gastric balloon Turkey :

  • Eat very gently and slowly in the first few weeks of your operation.
  • Take small bites and small quantities from your plate.
  • Once you have swallowed a mouthful, wait 20 seconds before taking another. Allow the food to be properly digested.
  • Carbonated drinks, alcohol and effervescent medicines are prohibited during the first few months of your stomach lump.
  • Do not drink during meals, but 30 minutes before and after. This can cause vomiting.
  • Eat at least 2 hours before going to bed to avoid reflux.
  • Stop eating at the first sensation of satiety.
  • Engage in regular, low-intensity physical activity.
Coordinatrice avec une patiente
Coordinator with a patient

Risks, complications and side effects

There may be some rare risks associated with gastric ballooning:

  • Stomach cramps ;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Damage to the stomach;
  • Excessive bleeding;
  • Acute pancreatitis and ulcers.

That’s why you should trust us to help you choose the right surgeon in Istanbul, and opt for a reputable and experienced practitioner.

In addition, gastric balloon surgery is permitted in Islam. This operation is Halal and not Haram because it offers medical benefits, helping people with their quality of life.

Our commitment to accessibility is reflected in our equipment for people with reduced mobility (PRM).

How much does a gastric balloon cost in Turkey?

In Turkey, you should expect to pay between €1,100 and €2,200 for a gastric balloon. However, this price varies according to the techniques used and the surgeon’s reputation. The procedure is carried out under local anaesthetic and lasts 30 minutes.

The patient stays in Istanbul for 4 days. The price includes anaesthesia, the operation, X-ray analysis and medication. The first results are visible within 3 months.

If you’re having trouble deciding, we can help you make the most of your medical stay, at a reduced rate.

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FAQ – Frequently asked questions

How long does a gastric balloon last?

The lifespan of a gastric balloon in Turkey depends on the procedure chosen. If you opt for an Elipse balloon, it will evacuate naturally through your faeces after 4 months. With other types of gastric balloon, they need to be removed after 6 or 12 months.

If you opt for the Elipse balloon, it will be very easy to swallow your weight loss balloon. The procedure requires no anaesthetic, and all you have to do is swallow a capsule through a catheter. However, the endoscopic gastric balloon does require a general anaesthetic.

Gastric ballooning in Turkey is a non-invasive operation. There are therefore few risks or side effects. However, some patients may experience stomach cramps, vomiting, nausea or a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen.

To benefit from an intragastric balloon in Turkey, the eligibility criterion is BMI (Body Mass Index) and not just weight. This operation is aimed at overweight or obese patients (BMI between 30 and 35) who have not achieved results with diets.

The price of a gastric balloon operation varies according to a number of factors, including the type of procedure chosen, the quality of the service, the provider, the country and the city where the operation is performed. However, the cheapest rates are found mainly in Turkey.

While the operation to place a gastric balloon only takes 15 to 30 minutes, the length of stay can be longer. In fact, you will spend a minimum of 4 days in Turkey so that the medical profession can monitor you to avoid any complications.

With a gastric balloon, it is advisable to eat light, balanced meals consisting of foods rich in lean protein, cooked vegetables, fruit, whole grains and low-fat dairy products. Eat and chew slowly, and drink enough water between meals to help you feel full. Avoid foods that are too fatty or too sweet.

To sleep with a gastric balloon, make sure you follow your doctor’s recommendations. Avoid heavy meals before bedtime, sleep with your head slightly elevated, avoid sleeping on your stomach, and follow an appropriate diet to avoid gastric reflux during the night.

About the author


My name is Emilie Gervais and I live in Istanbul, Turkey. I am a medical writer with extensive scientific knowledge and over 15 years' experience in cancer research and molecular biology. I have experience in congress organisation and project management. I have the ability to convey complex medical and scientific concepts to a variety of audiences through a variety of media, including this website as a medium for my writing.