Rhinoplasty and Tunisie

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Written by Manuella

Everything you need to know about rhinoplasty in Tunisia! What is the average price in Tunis? Our advice for a successful rhinoplasty in Tunisia.

BestClinic.co.uk provides information about rhinoplasty in Tunisia and helps you book an operation with qualified surgeons. This content is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional.

Price of rhinoplasty in Tunisia

The average cost of rhinoplasty in Tunisia is €2,000. Depending on your needs, the price can vary from 1800 euros to 2200 euros. This price includes hotel and hospital costs, airport transfer, translator and medication. The procedure is carried out under general anaesthetic and lasts 2 hours. The length of stay is 7 days, and the hospital stay is 1 night. The final result is visible within 6 months.

ProceduresCost Tunisia
Rhinoplasty2000 €
Secondary rhinoplasty2200 €

Rhinoplasty in Tunisia: why choose this destination?

Cosmetic surgery has long frightened people because of the potential side effects and risks involved. However, it is beginning to gain in popularity, and the number of people undergoing procedures of this type is increasing all the time.

Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures. Many people have a complex about their nose, and are thinking of changing it through rhinoplasty.

Tunisia is a popular destination for rhinoplasty because of the high quality of the medical care provided, combined with the attractive prices offered by the country’s clinics. Find out more about rhinoplasty in Tunisia.

Rhinoplasty, a highly sought-after procedure

Rhinoplasty accounts for 10% of cosmetic surgery procedures performed worldwide. A figure that is constantly rising. And with good reason: rhinoplasty allows the appearance of the nose to be changed for the better. For a long time, people were wary of rhinoplasty, fearing that the operation would lead to disappointing or even catastrophic results.

But the skills of surgeons and developments in medicine and the equipment used have brought this type of operation under control. Today, rhinoplasty is a virtually harmless procedure, provided it is carried out in an appropriate clinic and by a competent surgeon.

image de la structure osseuse d'un nez

Why have a rhinoplasty?

While it’s true that some people accept themselves as they are, others would like to correct what they consider to be cosmetic flaws in their face. The nose is frequently at issue in these cases. It’s too long, too thick, too crooked.

Rhinoplasty allows patients to finally get the look they’ve been dreaming of. Rhinoplasty is performed on both men and women, although the majority of patients are women.

While the majority of people are looking to improve their appearance through rhinoplasty, some older people are simply looking to look younger. In fact, correcting the drooping appearance of the nose that appears after the age of fifty can give you a more youthful appearance.

Finally, rhinoplasty may have a purpose that is not aesthetic. Some patients have difficulty breathing because of the shape of their nose. In this case, a change in the shape of the nose can put an end to this suffering.

The capabilities of rhinoplasty

To give you an idea of the changes that this surgical procedure is capable of producing on the nose, here is a summary in the list below:

  • Correction of the tip of the nose. This can be drooping, too high, pinched, thin, wide, etc.
  • Correction of problems with the nostrils (too wide, too short)
  • Correction of a nasal base that is too severe, or on the contrary a hollowed bridge
  • Correction of a hollow nasal root.

How does rhinoplasty work in Tunisia?

Like all surgical procedures, rhinoplasty follows a procedure divided into several distinct stages. Compliance with this procedure is the responsibility of each surgeon, and is essential to the smooth running of the operation.

An initial consultation

The pre-operative consultation is the very first stage. You go to the doctor’s surgery, not to undergo the operation, but to make an initial diagnosis. The surgeon will take a close look at your nose and ask you questions to understand exactly what you want to change. He will check whether you have a deviated nasal bridge, and will then suggest a septorhinoplasty.

His role is also to inform you of the details of the operation, and to talk to you about post-operative treatment.

The doctor is also there to curb any unrealistic expectations and bring you back down to earth. He must ensure that you are sure of what you want, and that you do not expect miraculous results.

Finally, the pre-operative consultation will also serve to determine whether you are concerned by any of the contraindications to rhinoplasty.

Contraindications to rhinoplasty

Certain contraindications make rhinoplasty impractical for the patient, and it is up to the doctor to identify them. These may include certain psychiatric disorders, depression or major anxiety attacks requiring treatment.

In addition to these illnesses, the operation may also become impossible in the case of certain heart or lung pathologies, or coagulation disorders. Certain excessive malformations of the skull can also be eliminated, as can nasal malformations that cannot be corrected by rhinoplasty.

Photo of the city of Tunis

Finally, doctors may rule out rhinoplasty if the patient smokes excessively.

Course of the operation

After the initial consultation, another appointment is made for the operation if you do not meet the contraindications for rhinoplasty. The operation is performed under general anaesthetic, so you will not be conscious during the procedure. The approach to the operation then differs depending on what needs to be corrected.

An incision is systematically made inside the nostrils. Sometimes, other incisions may be made, particularly on the outer skin or the tip of the nose. These incisions will allow the surgeon to modulate the structures and cartilage in order to reposition them and correct the defects of the nose in accordance with the patient’s wishes.

Naturally, these incisions are sutured once the operation is complete. It should also be noted that if the patient has breathing problems, these are corrected at the same time, so that no additional incisions are made unnecessarily.

You should also be aware that rhinoplasty may require the addition of cartilage to reshape the nose. This cartilage is taken from a donor area of your body. However, these cases are rare, and the doctor cannot proceed with this removal without your prior agreement.

The duration of the operation depends on the case and the work to be done, but is estimated on average at between 2 and 4 hours.

After the operation

After rhinoplasty, you wake up with a bandage on your nose and wicks in your nostrils. Depending on the type of rhinoplasty, a plastic splint may also be added over the bandage, as well as other silicone splints inside the nostrils. You will need to stay in hospital at the clinic until the wicks are removed, which usually takes place 2 days after surgery.

You will have to breathe through your mouth for some time, as your nasal septum will not yet be functional. Your nose will be swollen, and you will be advised to sleep with your head elevated to reduce this swelling.

As for the sutures, those on the inside will reabsorb on their own, while the sutures on the outside of the nose will be removed by the surgeon after a week. The splint is removed within a week to 10 days, depending on the case.

Photo of the town of Sfax in Tunisia

What does it feel like?

A sensation of nasal obstruction will be experienced following the operation. You may notice some bruising on your face, which will go away after a few weeks. Your nose and lips will also be less sensitive. All these symptoms are normal and will gradually fade over the weeks. Be careful not to blow your nose, otherwise you will feel a lot of pain.

Interruption of work

After rhinoplasty, you will obviously not be able to continue your professional activities. You will be able to return to work after 10 days, or even longer if you are involved in a physically demanding activity. Sport should also be avoided, as should heavy lifting. As you can see, total rest for at least 10 days.

Rhinoplasty: results to expect

After your rhinoplasty, you won’t be able to see any immediate results, as your nose will still be under a bandage and your face will be covered in bruising. The results really and fully appear after 3 months post-operatively, as this is when the scars and swelling disappear completely. However, you will be able to see a first outline of the results within 10 days, once the swelling has gone down significantly.

After a year, the nose will have adapted to the surgery and will adopt an even more harmonious shape.

Here is a video report on rhinoplasty in Tunisia

Video report on rhinoplasty in Tunisia

Photos before and after rhinoplasty

photo avant apres rhinoplastie en tunisie
photo avant apres rhinoplastie en tunisie

How much does rhinoplasty cost in Tunisia?

Europeans, like many people elsewhere, generally prefer to undergo rhinoplasty abroad, and in particular in Tunisia. The main reason is that the operation is much more affordable. At clinics in Tunisia, the price of a rhinoplasty varies from €1,700 to €2,200. This price includes accommodation, the operation, the anaesthetist, airport transfer and medication.

High-quality medicine

Prices aside, Tunisia also offers top-quality medical care. Nose surgeons in Tunisia are extremely competent, and the tools they use are state-of-the-art. The clinics are also very modern. In short, everything you need for high-quality surgery.

How do you go about rhinoplasty in Tunisia?

Between booking the plane ticket, booking the hotel and choosing the clinic (because not all clinics are the same), the procedure is time-consuming. That’s why we’re offering you a comprehensive service. We’ll take care of everything for you, from booking your ticket to organising your pre-operative consultation!

Having trouble choosing the right clinic at the best price? Our coordinator will help you make your operation in Tunisia a success, free of charge. Ask us for a free quote.

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About the author


My name is Manuella Fiorentini. I am an experienced marketing professional in the medical device and pharmaceutical industries. With over 7 years' experience, I have worked in creative and strategic roles to develop marketing campaigns, product launches and international conferences.