Secondary rhinoplasty in Spain

secondary rhinoplasty woman spain 1
Written by Émilie

Spain is one of the leading destinations for patients seeking cosmetic surgery. Procedures such as secondary rhinoplasty are common. This operation is performed when a first rhinoplasty has not produced the expected result. provides information about secondary rhinoplasty in Spain and helps you book an operation with qualified plastic surgeons. This content is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional.

How much does a secondary rhinoplasty cost in Spain?

The cost of a secondary rhinoplasty in Spain is €3,700. Depending on your needs, the all-inclusive medical stay can vary from €3,500 to €6,700.

Rhinoplasty3500 €
Secondary rhinoplasty3700 €
Ethnic rhinoplasty4300 €
Ultrasonic rhinoplasty4500 €

This article contains all the information you need to know about secondary rhinoplasty in Spain.

Definition of secondary rhinoplasty

Secondary rhinoplasty is also known as revision rhinoplasty. Its aim is to repair the defects and imperfections of a first rhinoplasty. This operation not only corrects aesthetic inconveniences; it also resolves problems resulting from a previous botched operation, such as breathing problems.

Secondary rhinoplasty is a more complex operation than primary rhinoplasty in Spain. The techniques used are more advanced, since they repair the cartilage structure of the nose, in particular through cartilage grafts.

It can also reshape the nostrils. The presence of scar tissue and the results of the first operation modify the appearance of the structures on which the surgeon intervenes to reshape the aesthetic appearance of the nose and restore all its functions.

Secondary rhinoplasty: for whom?

Secondary rhinoplasty is for men and women who have already undergone rhinoplasty but were not satisfied. It may be necessary in a number of cases, in particular in the presence of the following problems:

  • Airway obstruction;
  • Physical discomfort;
  • Asymmetry;
  • Collapse of cartilage or bones in the nose;
  • Insufficient or excessive reduction of the nose;
  • Failed shaping ;
  • Unsightly nasal tip;
  • Thickening of scar tissue.

Patients who find their nasal tip too droopy, too raised, too thick or too thin may also consider a secondary rhinoplasty. The same applies to patients with a residual hump or who notice irregularities or deviations of the nasal dorsum.

In all cases, at least twelve months must have elapsed since the initial rhinoplasty.

Secondary rhinoplasty procedure

An initial consultation will enable the surgeon toanalyse the patient’s nose and present the possible operations. This first visit is crucial. The choices made must be carefully considered and adapted to the nose to be treated and the problems encountered by the patient.

For this consultation, it is advisable to bring along the operation reports from previous rhinoplasties and any examinations carried out since then. The doctor will then be able to assess the repairs that need to be carried out.

There are 2 possible techniques for secondary rhinoplasty:

  • Open rhinoplasty involves lifting the skin of the nose. It can be used to reshape the nose with cartilage grafts or an implant.
  • Closed rhinoplasty is performed through small incisions in the nostrils. It allows smaller corrections to be made

The technique chosen will therefore depend on the expectations of the secondary rhinoplasty patient.

The operation is performed in several stages:

  • Lifting the nasal skin envelope;
  • Sectioning of excess scar tissue;
  • Assessment of the structure of the nose to choose the procedures to be carried out. The surgeon must adapt his or her strategy to the findings, particularly if he or she encounters damaged cartilage or nasal septa;
  • Removal of the cartilage required for repair. This can be done from the nasal septum, but also from the concha cartilage of both ears or from costal cartilage;
  • Reconstruction of the dorsum, by removing excess and reconstituting the cartilage in particular;
  • Reconstruction of the tip of the nose, cartilage grafting if necessary;
  • Finishing touches to reposition the nostrils if necessary or to smooth the back of the nose;
  • Closure of the nasal mucosa using absorbable sutures;
  • Placement of the brace and a wick in each nostril.

The operation for a secondary rhinoplasty lasts an average of 3 to 5 hours. Most of the time, it is performed under general anaesthetic.

Precautions to take after the operation

As after a conventional rhinoplasty, after a revision rhinoplasty a splint is fitted to immobilise the nose. Wicks are also inserted into the nostrils to limit swelling and bleeding. These are removed the day after the operation. The plaster cast is removed a week or ten days later.

Patients can resume their daily activities the day after the operation. They will generally resume their professional activities once the cast has been removed. Sports activities, on the other hand, will have to wait until one month after the operation.

After the operation, the nose and surrounding tissues are swollen. The cheeks, eyes and lips are also swollen. You may feel that your nose is blocked. The swelling will begin to diminish two weeks after the operation. Then the inflammation of the nose will begin to diminish, for three to six months.

This process may last slightly longer in the case of open rhinoplasty. Generally speaking, the effects of the operation are felt for longer than with a primary rhinoplasty.

The final result of secondary rhinoplasty is therefore visible after a few months. The nose will then have had time to deflate and refine to its final shape. A check-up is carried out after one year. Additional touch-ups may then be required.

How much does secondary rhinoplasty cost in Spain?

The operation is less expensive in Spain, with an average cost of €3,700. The price of a secondary rhinoplasty varies according to the nature of the operation and its complexity. A complete nose job will obviously cost more than a minor alteration.

In some cases, secondary rhinoplasty may be covered by health insurance. This is the case if it is prescribed for functional purposes.

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About the author


My name is Emilie Gervais and I live in Istanbul, Turkey. I am a medical writer with extensive scientific knowledge and over 15 years' experience in cancer research and molecular biology. I have experience in congress organisation and project management. I have the ability to convey complex medical and scientific concepts to a variety of audiences through a variety of media, including this website as a medium for my writing.