Secondary rhinoplasty in Tunisia

price for secondary rhinoplasty 1
Written by Erika

More and more patients are travelling to Tunisia for a secondary rhinoplasty, simply because the operation costs so much less. It is estimated that almost 10,000 cosmetic surgery operations are carried out each year in Tunisia, on patients from all over the world. provides information on secondary rhinoplasty in Tunisia and helps you book an operation with qualified surgeons. This content is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional.

Price of a secondary rhinoplasty in Tunisia

In Tunisia, the average cost of a secondary rhinoplasty is €1,900. The procedure is carried out under general anaesthetic and lasts 3 hours. The length of stay is 7 days, and the hospital stay is 1 night. The price includes the anaesthetic, the operation and the medication. The final result is visible within 6 months.

Type of procedureCost Tunisia
Secondary rhinoplasty1900 €

What is secondary rhinoplasty?

Secondary rhinoplasty, also known as revision rhinoplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to correct the results of a previous rhinoplasty.

There are many reasons why patients may have a secondary rhinoplasty. The most common are

  • Unsatisfactory results from the first operation;
  • Respiratory problems caused by nasal deformities;
  • Or aesthetic wishes that could not be fulfilled.

In other words, the aim is to correct the appearance or functionality of the nose. Unfortunately, these operations are often more complex, since the first operation left internal and external scars on the cartilage.

Who is secondary rhinoplasty for?

Secondary rhinoplasty is reconstructive surgery, available to anyone who has undergone a first rhinoplasty but whose results were not up to scratch. However, certain criteria must be met:

To begin with, the primary rhinoplasty must have been performed at least 12 months previously. If this is not the case, the surgeon may refuse to operate. This is because a nose job can take up to 12 months to heal completely, so it would be impossible to operate over it until it has done so.

Patients must be aged 18 or over. However, patients with serious health problems may exceptionally have a second operation.

Finally, it is important to note that secondary rhinoplasty is not always recommended for all patients, and it is essential to discuss with an experienced surgeon whether this procedure is the best option.

Why choose Tunisia for rhinoplasty?

It’s clear that Tunisia offers many advantages in terms of cosmetic surgery operations.

A French-speaking country

First of all, it should be noted that Tunisia is a French-speaking country. This means that communication with surgeons and the medical team is easy. This is vital, because everyone needs to be able to understand each other to ensure that the result is as good as possible and meets the patient’s expectations. The same applies to post-operative follow-up. Instructions must be understood and followed to the letter to avoid any complications.

Experienced plastic surgeons

Tunisia is also full of experienced and well-trained plastic surgeons. Many of them studied in France. Tunisia also has a very strict health policy, and the quality of care is often beyond reproach.

Modern infrastructure and state-of-the-art hospitals

Finally, there is a good reason why Tunisia has become a favourite destination for cosmetic surgery in recent years. Patients come from all over Europe to be operated on. The reason for this is the ultra-modern infrastructure and operating theatres equipped with cutting-edge medical equipment.

What are the advantages of secondary rhinoplasty?

There are many advantages to secondary rhinoplasty.

Patients get back the nose they’ve been waiting for

On the one hand, secondary rhinoplasty corrects the appearance of the nose, giving a much more natural and harmonious result. Patients get back a face they like and the nose they expected from the start. And that’s priceless.

Improves the functionality of the nose

Beyond appearance, secondary rhinoplasty, which can be ethnic in nature, also aims to restore the structure and shape of the nose in order to facilitate air circulation, and therefore breathing, for patients. Unfortunately, this is often what motivates them to come for a consultation.

Restored self-confidence

Finally, a primary rhinoplasty that is unsuccessful or deemed unsatisfactory can often result in trauma for patients. After all, the nose is at the centre of the face and can quickly give rise to complexes. Fortunately, the vast majority of those who undergo revision surgery regain their self-confidence after a successful operation.

How does the operation work?

The procedure takes place in 3 stages:

The first consultation

Current profile photos and medical notes from the first operation are often requested, so that the surgeon can prepare as well as possible. During the first consultation, the surgeon interviews the patient to discuss the problem. In this case :

  • What happened during the first operation;
  • Why the patient wants to have a second operation and is considering surgery;
  • What are the patient’s expectations and wishes?
  • What solutions are available.

Good communication is vital if the plastic surgeon is to fully understand the patient’s wishes. This will enable him to assess what is possible and what is not, in order to draw up a plan of action.

Conversely, the surgeon must be able to reassure the patient and communicate as well as possible so that both are on the same wavelength.

Unfortunately, some expectations are not always achievable, depending on the after-effects of the first rhinoplasty.

The day of the operation

First of all, the patient is invited to go to the Tunisian aesthetic clinic of their choice to undergo the operation. The entire team is on hand to put the patient at ease. The secondary rhinoplasty operation can be performed under general anaesthetic (the most common) or local anaesthetic, depending on the complexity of the surgical procedure. In all cases, the operation is painless.

A specialised Tunisian surgeon is in charge of the operation, and may be accompanied by other specialists. Once again, it all depends on the complexity and the problem to be corrected.

A rhinoplasty generally takes between 1 and 3 hours, although a secondary rhinoplasty often takes a little longer, as some tissues have been altered during the previous operation.

Finally, the operation is sometimes carried out on an outpatient basis, meaning that the patient only stays a few hours in the health establishment. Generally speaking, however, the operation requires an overnight stay in hospital, after which patients are free to go home.

The post-operative phase

After the operation, a plaster cast is placed over the nose to hold it in place, and this is removed about a week later. A feeling of discomfort may occur and the face may swell or become a little more sensitive. This is normal. It usually only lasts a few hours.

Similarly, bruising and swelling frequently appear around the eyes and nose, but this is temporary and should last between 7 and 10 days. The nose will then gradually deflate until the desired result is achieved.

It is also advisable not to bend over or stoop during the first few days after the operation, not to blow your nose strongly and not to expose the nose to the sun for several months. It is also important to follow the plastic surgeon’s instructions regarding wound care and medication.

Precautions to be taken

Secondary rhinoplasty can be a complex surgical procedure, and certain precautions should be taken before and after the operation.

Before the operation

To begin with, the surgeon is duty bound to communicate all the precautions to be taken before the operation. These generally include:

  • Not drinking or smoking before the operation;
  • Cleaning your face, shaving your beard or moustache, etc. ;
  • Do not take anti-inflammatory drugs or anticoagulants.

After the operation

It generally takes between 3 and 12 months for the nose to adopt its final shape. Patience is therefore required.

  • The first few days: rinsing the nasal cavities is recommended to avoid nasal congestion. Patients can generally resume their daily activities the next day, without making too much effort either. Professional activities can be resumed as soon as the cast is removed, but not before.
  • The first few months: It is advisable not to engage in any sporting activity, as this may cause a rise in blood pressure. Activities that are likely to cause shocks should also be avoided.

What are the risks of secondary rhinoplasty in Tunisia?

There is no such thing as zero risk. A secondary rhinoplasty can sometimes lead to a number of complications, particularly linked to the anaesthetic or the operation itself. Contour irregularities, infections, asymmetries of the nose, unsightly scars, progressive deformities..

Complications are fairly rare, but they do occur. It is therefore important that patients are informed in advance of any undesirable effects.

How much does a secondary rhinoplasty operation in Tunisia cost?

It’s a fact that prices for rhinoplasty operations are very attractive in Tunisia, and can sometimes be up to 3 times cheaper than in Europe. That’s why thousands of patients make the trip every year. Prices range from €1,900 to €2,500, depending on the clinic selected, the complexity of the operation and the surgeon’s experience.

The final word

Having a secondary rhinoplasty in Tunisia is becoming increasingly common. It’s an attractive destination because of the very low cost of plastic surgery, and patients no longer hesitate to make the trip.

Having trouble choosing the right clinic at the best price? Our coordinator will help you free of charge to ensure the success of your operation in Tunisia. Ask us for a free quote.

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About the author


My name is Erika. After more than 10 years conducting medical research, I have chosen to devote myself to scientific and medical writing since 2018. I have developed expertise covering various fields, such as cosmetic, dental, bariatric and eye surgery. This new direction allows me to share my knowledge.