Stem cell therapy in Turkey

stem cell therapy 1
Written by William

Everything you need to know about stem cell therapy in Turkey! What is the average price in Istanbul? Our advice for successful stem cell therapy in Turkey. provides information about stem cell therapy in Turkey and helps you book an operation with qualified surgeons. This content is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional.

How much does a stem cell transplant cost in Turkey?

The average cost of stem cell therapy in Istanbul, Turkey is €5,500. Depending on the needs, the price can vary from 2,000 euros to 20,000 euros.

ProcedurePrice Turkey
Stem cells for arthritis5500 €
Stem cells for knees2000 €
Umbilical cord stem cells5500 €
Stem cells for Parkinson’s6500 €
Cancer stem cells5000 €
Stem cells for eye disease5500 €
Stem cells for hair transplants2400 €
Stem cells for neurological disease6800 €
Stem cells for gastric disease4900 €
Stem cells for pneumological disease8300 €
Stem cells for reproduction3500 €
Stem cells for autoimmune disease7200 €

Have you ever heard of stem cells? These are very special cells that can be found in our blood or skin. They can also be found in bone marrow or the umbilical cord. They are also very present at the embryonic stage. And if these cells have been the subject of so much research in recent years, it’s because they have a super power.

They have the ability to become whatever they want. They divide and multiply. But they are also capable of transforming into any type of cell according to the body’s needs. Transform themselves into muscle cells, skin cells or neurons, for example.

With this power, they can help repair and replace damaged or ageing cells in our bodies. Imagine the medical potential!

Stem cell therapy is on the march. And it’s only the beginning. Numerous studies are under way. In the near future, hospitals and clinics in Istanbul could be treating cancer or Alzheimer’s disease. In any case, hope lies in this stem cell therapy, and Turkey is at the forefront of innovation in this field.

So what diseases are already benefiting from these cellular treatments? And which diseases could benefit in the near future?

Also read our file on health check-up in Türkiye.

Stem cell therapies for eye diseases in Turkey

As you can see, stem cells have the ability to repair. Cell therapy is therefore ideal for all degenerative diseases. This is particularly the case for certain eye diseases such as :

  • age-related macular degeneration (AMD) ;
  • diabetic retinopathy
  • glaucoma ;
  • and corneal blindness.

These conditions affect many people around the world. And they lead to progressive vision loss.

AMD and diabetic retinopathy: regenerating the retina using stem cells

AMD and diabetic retinopathy both damage the retina, the membrane that lines the back of the eye.

In the case of AMD, it is the cells of the macula, the central area of the retina, that gradually degenerate after the age of 50. Diabetic retinopathy, on the other hand, affects the small blood vessels in the retina, weakened byexcess sugar in the blood.

For both these diseases, researchers are looking into the possibility of transplanting retinal cells produced from stem cells, in order to replace the defective cells.

Another promising avenue is the injection of growth factors secreted by stem cells. Yes, in addition to all their powers, these ‘mother cells’ release their own ‘fertiliser’: growth factor. This fertiliser will protect and stimulate the surviving retinal cells. So that they can eventually heal themselves..

Clinical trials are underway in Turkish hospitals to assess the safety and efficacy of these approaches in patients with AMD or diabetic retinopathy. Initial results are encouraging. But the long-term benefits of these therapies still need to be confirmed.

Glaucoma: stem cell treatment to prevent and cure

Glaucoma is characterised by degeneration of the optic nerve, often due to excessive pressure in the eye. Here again, stem cells could become ophthalmologists’ ally in halting the progression of the disease.

The idea is to transplant stem cells into the eye. The aim is twofold:

  • Tolower eye pressure by helping to regenerate the trabeculum;

The trabeculum is a kind of spongy tissue that regulates the pressure inside the eye. Stem cell treatment of this kind could therefore prevent degeneration of the optic nerve.

  • Protecting and stimulating regeneration of the damaged optic nerve.

Certain stem cells have neuroprotective properties that could preserve optic nerve cells. Add to this an injection of growth factor, and hope is possible.

In fact, the results in animals are very promising. But human trials are still needed to validate these approaches.

Corneal blindness: the first successes of stem cell reconstruction

The cornea is the transparent window at the front of the eye, essential for good vision. Many diseases can cause it to become opaque, leading to blindness. Corneal transplants are currently the only recourse.

But researchers are exploring another avenue: the reconstruction of a clear cornea using stem cells.

Two options are being studied:

  • The first option is to harvest stem cells from the edge of the patient’s cornea, cultivate them in the laboratory and then reimplant them to recreate a functional cornea;
  • The second option is to reprogram skin or marrow cells into ‘supercells’ capable of regenerating the cornea.

The very good news is that it seems to work. The first patients have regained their sight thanks to corneal stem cell transplants as part of clinical trials. But this is not yet routine treatment.

In Turkey, as elsewhere, specialists are at the forefront of offering these innovations to their international patients. Keep up to date with all the advances in this field.

When you choose Turkey for your stem cell eye treatment, you’ll benefit from comprehensive care, from surgery to hospitalisation, including anaesthesia and post-operative care. All in an ultra-specialised yet friendly environment.

Stem cell therapy in Turkey: hope for neurological diseases

Neurological diseases affect millions of people around the world.
Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, stroke… these diseases strike fear into our hearts. As well as their terrible symptoms, they have another thing in common. They are all caused by the degeneration or destruction of nerve cells in the brain or spinal cord.

Unfortunately, there is currently no treatment to regenerate the lost neurons. The approaches available focus on relieving symptoms and slowing progression.

That’s why stem cell therapy offers immense hope.
Stem cells have the capacity to multiply infinitely and to specialise into any type of cell in the body, including neurons. The idea is touse these cells to replace destroyed neurons and repair damaged nerve circuits.

Parkinson’s disease: stem cells to the rescue of dopaminergic neurons

Parkinson’s disease is a chronic neurodegenerative disease that affects the brain. Certain neurons gradually disappear, in particular those that produce dopamine.

As well as being the “happy hormone”, dopamine is very important in controlling movement and memory. Its deficiency leads to disabling motor symptoms such as tremors or rigidity. But it can also lead to sleep disorders, pain, depression and even dementia.

Researchers are trying to transplant ‘brand new’ dopaminergic neurons obtained from stem cells, or to inject their famous growth factors to protect the remaining neurons.

The first clinical trials are under way. So don’t give up hope!

Alzheimer’s disease: stem cells, a hope for the memory

Like Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s is a neurodegenerative disease. It causes progressive and irreversible deterioration of the brain.

Stem cell therapy, however, holds out the promise of future solutions. The idea is to use stem cells, capable of differentiating into neurons, to replace nerve cells destroyed by the disease. And so regenerate damaged brain circuits.

There are still many challenges to be overcome, such as the choice of cell source and the method of administration. Nevertheless, cell therapy represents immense hope for the millions of Alzheimer’s patients around the world. If the research currently under way is successful, it could make it possible to halt or even reverse this terrible disease, which is currently incurable.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Charcot’s disease, is a neurodegenerative disease that specifically attacks motor neurons. These neurons are responsible not only for our voluntary movements, but also for swallowing and breathing. Their progressive disappearance leads to muscular paralysis, which can be fatal.

Researchers are working on transplanting new motor neurons obtained from these stem cells, or injecting stem cells capable of secreting protective molecules for the surviving neurons. Very promising clinical trials are underway, with the aim of giving new life to nerve circuits damaged by ALS.

Stroke and brain damage

Strokes and brain lesions, whether caused by trauma, tumours or neurodegenerative diseases, can cause irreversible damage to the brain.

Destroyed neurons do not renew themselves naturally. This leads to disabling neurological deficits.

At present, treatments are mainly aimed at rehabilitating patients, without being able to repair the damaged areas of the brain. But researchers have tested different approaches in preclinical animal trials:

  • Transplantation of new neurons produced in the laboratory from stem cells;
  • Injection of stem cells to stimulate the formation of neurons and blood vessels;
  • Administration of growth factors secreted by these cells to protect the surviving neurons.

The results are very encouraging. So much so that a number of phase I/II trials have been carried out in humans, demonstrating the feasibility and safety of the approach.

Spinal cord injury and paralysis: rewiring the spinal cord with stem cell therapy

Spinal cord injury is damage to the spinal cord. They can be caused by direct trauma (accident, fall, etc.) or by diseases such as tumours or infections. The bundle of nerves that transmits signals between the brain and the rest of the body is severed, resulting in total or partial paralysis depending on the degree of damage.

Stem cell therapy offers hope.

Tests on animal models have shown axonal regrowth. The axon is the extension of the neuron. The “cable” that transmits information. Early clinical trials combine stem cells and epidural stimulation. And patients already treated have seen an improvement in their motor function.

Regenerative medicine using stem cells will therefore very soon revolutionise the treatment of spinal cord injuries, offering paralysed patients the hope of one day walking again.

Huntington’s disease: cell therapy versus genetics

Huntington’s disease is a rare genetic disorder that causes progressive degeneration of certain areas of the brain that control movement.

The symptoms are particularly incapacitating: involuntary movements and cognitive and psychiatric disorders.

Researchers are studying the transplantation of new neurons to replace those that have been destroyed, as well as the injection of stem cells secreting protective factors for the neurons. Genetically modified stem cells could even deliver therapeutic proteins.

Epilepsy: therapies for resistant forms?

Epilepsy is characterised by recurrent seizures caused by abnormal electrical activity in the brain. Unfortunately, this disease remains difficult to treat in 30% of patients. Stem cell therapy offers new hope for these drug-resistant forms.

Researchers are studying the transplantation of inhibitory neurons produced from stem cells to replace those that have been destroyed. In this way, they hope to restore the balance of brain activity. Another avenue is the use of genetically modified stem cells to deliver anti-epileptic molecules directly into the brain.

The reprogramming of brain cells into functional neurons is also being explored.

These approaches have already shown promising results in animals, raising hopes of new therapeutic options for patients suffering from refractory epilepsy. Many challenges remain before these revolutionary therapies reach patients’ bedsides.

But Turkey is investing heavily in the research and development of stem cell therapies. Along the Bosphorus, ultramodern clinics and hospitals have sprung up, equipped with cutting-edge technical facilities and renowned specialists.

Numerous clinical trials are underway to evaluate their effectiveness in various neurological diseases. Preliminary results are promising. The decisive advances are yet to come! Keep up to date..

Fighting cancer: promising cell therapies in Turkey

Cancers, all cancers, are veritable scourges. And despite the heavy treatment they receive from doctors, they manage to resist and sometimes even come back.

Researchers have succeeded in isolating a small subpopulation of cells that play a key role in the appearance of cancers. But also in its progression and resistance to treatment.

These cells are capable of self-renewal. And to differentiate into different cell types. Sound familiar?

These cells are called Cancer Stem Cells (CSC). That’s what makes them so dangerous, because they can continually regenerate the tumour.
Faced with this invader and its capabilities, scientists are now testing several stem cell therapy approaches to directly target these CSCs.

Here is a simplified explanation of these different therapeutic strategies.

1 – Transplantation of genetically modified stem cells

Researchers genetically modify normal stem cells so that they produce substances that are toxic to cancer cells (suicide genes). They then inject them into the tumour, where they specifically attack the cancer cells from the inside.

2 – CAR-T cell immunotherapy

The doctor takes white blood cells from the patient. He genetically modifies them so that they express an artificial receptor (CAR) that specifically recognises markers present on the surface of CSCs. Re-injected into the patient, these CAR-T cells target and destroy the CSCs like guided missiles.

3 – Stem cells as drug vectors

In this case, we use the ability of stem cells to migrate towards tumours. They are loaded with anti-cancer drugs like a Trojan horse, so that they deliver them directly to the heart of the tumour, where the CSCs are nested.

4 – Induction of CSC differentiation

Agents such as retinoic acid are used to force CSCs to differentiate into mature cells. This causes them to lose their powers. They then become more vulnerable to conventional treatments.

5 – Targeting CSC signalling pathways

We specifically block the cellular communication pathways that enable CSCs to maintain their undifferentiated state and self-renew. By cutting off these signals, the CSC reservoir is gradually depleted.

Exciting, don’t you think? And above all, so encouraging for the medicine of tomorrow. But how far have doctors got with these treatments?

For most ‘solid’ tumours, stem cell therapy is only at the experimental stage. Several avenues are being explored, including those we have just seen for tumours such as :

  • Breast cancer
  • Colorectal cancer
  • Lung cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • Skin cancer

Haematopoietic stem cell transplants, on the other hand, are a well-established treatment option in Turkey for patients suffering from leukaemia, lymphoma and other blood cancers.

Stem cell transplants to treat leukaemia

Leukaemia is a blood cancer for which haematopoietic stem cell transplantation is already a standard treatment following chemotherapy, in Turkey and elsewhere. The term “haematopoietic” refers to the process of blood cell renewal.

The therapy involves administering high doses of chemotherapy to destroy the leukaemia cells (which are therefore blood cells). Radiotherapy also targets certain bone marrow cells. Healthy stem cells are then reinjected, either from the patient (autograft) or from a compatible donor (allograft).

The new stem cells enable blood cells and functional marrow to be restored. And, in the case of allografts, they also provide a new immune system to help eliminate residual cancer cells.

The results are very encouraging. This stem cell therapy can produce prolonged remissions, and thousands of patients have been successfully treated.

But transplantation remains a cumbersome and risky treatment. New approaches such as donor optimisation, haplo-identical or cord blood transplants, or the use of genetically modified cells, aim to improve results.

Nevertheless, despite its limitations, stem cell transplantation has revolutionised the prognosis for leukaemia. And it remains the treatment of choice for high-risk forms.

Research is continuing to improve its efficacy and tolerability.

Lymphomas and stem cell therapy: effective treatments in Turkey

Lymphomas are cancers of the lymphatic system. These cancers compromise the body’s ability to fight infections.

As with leukaemia, stem cell transplants are used for some lymphomas, particularly in cases of relapse or failure of other treatments.

After intensive chemotherapy to destroy the cancer cells, the stem cells from the bone marrow, previously harvested and frozen, are reinjected to reconstitute the bone marrow. This therapy requires prolonged hospitalisation and long-term monitoring.

Major university hospitals and private clinics offer this type of stem cell treatment in Turkey. Turkey is truly a destination of choice for international patients seeking a bone marrow transplant.

Stem cells, a revolution in aesthetic medicine

In the field of aesthetic medicine, stem cell therapies represent a genuine revolution. Thanks to their regenerative properties, they open doors to skin rejuvenation, scar correction and the treatment of age spots.

Skin rejuvenation, improving skin texture and treating wrinkles

Stem cells repair and rejuvenate the skin at a cellular level. They promote the growth of new skin cells, increase collagen production and improve skin elasticity. And that’s all there is to it!

The result is firmer, younger-looking skin, with fewer wrinkles and fine lines.

Scar correction thanks to stem cell treatment in Turkey

But with these capabilities, stem cells can also effectively treat scars, particularly hypertrophic and keloid scars. These inflammatory scars are linked to an overproduction of collagen during the healing process.

They appear as raised, often red, thick growths. And they can be itchy.
In Turkey, where this operation is common, stem cell therapies have proved effective in reducing these unsightly scars.

Treatment of age spots with cell therapy in Turkey

Age spots can also be treated using stem cells. By stimulating cell renewal, these therapies effectively reduce age-related pigmentation spots. The skin looks more even and radiant.

Several Turkish clinics and hospitals are already offering these revolutionary treatments, using cutting-edge techniques such as injections of fat enriched with stem cells.

The results are visible: skin looks younger, firmer and more radiant, with a visible reduction in wrinkles, redness and inflammation. And the effects are long-lasting. A real fountain of cellular youth!

Hair: stem cells to the rescue of your hair

In the field of hair, stem cell treatments are more than promising in the fight against alopecia and baldness, in both men and women.

Much more than a simple hair transplant, these therapies exploitthe regenerative properties of stem cells to stimulate hair follicles and boost hair growth.

Male pattern baldness, a scourge affecting 70% of men

Male pattern baldness affects around 70% of men. Generally starting between the ages of 30 and 40, and sometimes as early as adolescence, this gradual loss of hair is influenced by male hormones and genetic factors.

It manifests itself as a thinning of the temples and/or the crown of the head

Female pattern baldness, a hormonal imbalance often to blame

Women are not spared from baldness. It affects 2 to 3% of women and can begin between the ages of 12 and 40. Unlike most men, hair loss is more diffuse over the entire scalp. Here too, hormonal and genetic factors are generally to blame.

Alopecia: sudden, reversible hair loss

Alopecia is characterised by sudden, widespread hair loss over the entire scalp. It can be caused by stress, fatigue, iron deficiency, certain medications, chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

Fortunately, hair loss is often reversible once the triggering factor has been treated, unlike scarring alopecia, which permanently destroys the hair follicles.

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Turkish clinics, pioneers in stem cell hair therapy

We hear a lot about Turkey for these hair implants. But there’s much more to treating baldness than just implants.

Turkey is THE perfect destination to benefit from stem cell hair therapies. The expertise of its medical teams and its cutting-edge infrastructure are unrivalled in this field.

Several techniques are available:

  • Hair mesotransplantation (Rigenera method)

This involves reinjecting stem cells extracted from the patient’s hair follicles into the scalp to reactivate dormant follicles and encourage regrowth.

  • Injection of adipocyte stem cell concentrate

These cells, extracted by liposuction, release growth factors that stimulate the hair follicles.

  • Transplantation of follicular stem cells cultivated in vitro

Still in development, this technique opens up new prospects.

Denser, better-quality hair thanks to stem cells

Regardless of the method used, hair loss has been halted and progressive regrowth has been observed in most patients treated within 2 to 6 months.

The density and thickness of existing hair are improved, resulting in fuller, better-quality hair overall.

And the treatment is very well tolerated.
Ladies and gentlemen, you can say goodbye to baldness.

Cardiology and stem cells: therapies for the heart

In cardiology, stem cell therapies offer new prospects for regenerating damaged heart muscle and improving heart function. Promising clinical trials are underway for a range of conditions.

Heart failure: cell therapy to revitalise the failing heart

Heart failure is the inability of the heart to pump enough blood to oxygenate the body properly. It manifests itself as fatigue, shortness of breath and sometimes oedema.

It can be acute (sudden) or chronic (progressive). Cell therapy trials are underway, using stem cells from bone marrow, adipose tissue or cardiac stem cells, to regenerate the failing heart muscle.

Myocardial infarction: repairing the heart using stem cells

Myocardial infarction is the scientific word for heart attack.
This terrible attack is caused by the destruction of part of the heart muscle due to a lack of oxygen, often as a result of a blocked coronary artery.

Clinical trials are testing the transplantation of stem cells (from bone marrow, heart or embryonic stem cells) into the damaged area to regenerate heart muscle tissue and improve its function.

Angina pectoris: stimulating the formation of new vessels

Angina pectoris is chest pain caused by a lack of oxygen to the heart. Generally linked to narrowing of the coronary arteries, it can be one of the warning signs before a heart attack.

This is where cell therapy comes in. It aims to stimulate the formation of new vessels (angiogenesis) to improve blood supply to the heart muscle.

Cardiomyopathy: the promising avenue of stem cells

Cardiomyopathies are diseases of the heart muscle. The muscle may become over-dilated, thickened or rigid, which impairs blood pumping.

A number of preclinical and clinical studies have evaluated the value of MSCs (Mesenchymal Stem Cells) in this pathology. MSCs are adult stem cells found in various tissues (bone marrow, adipose tissue, etc.).

They have retained the memory of their embryonic origin and the magical ability to transform into bone, cartilage, muscle or fat cells according to the body’s needs.

In the case of cardiomyopathies, they could regenerate damaged heart muscle and improve symptoms and ventricular function.

Pulmonary hypertension: a promising cell therapy trial

Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a rare and serious disease characterised by an abnormal rise in pressure in the pulmonary arteries. It imposes a major strain on the heart, particularly the right ventricle, which pumps blood to the lungs. Ultimately, this can lead to heart failure.

An early trial using stem cells showed encouraging results in patients with PAH, with a slight improvement in heart and lung function. Above all, however, the study proved that the treatment was well tolerated, with no short- or long-term adverse effects or immunological reactions.

Cell therapy is therefore the source of great hope for regenerating heart tissue. Numerous clinical trials are underway to evaluate different types of stem cells. If the results are confirmed, these approaches could revolutionise the management of these serious diseases, complementing current treatments.

Stem cell therapies for gastrointestinal diseases

Chronic diseases of the digestive system, such as chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), pancreatitis and liver disease, are often difficult to treat.

But stem cell therapies, in particular mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), offer hope of tissue regeneration and modulation of inflammation.

Stem cells to treat IBD: Turkey leads the way

Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are both chronic inflammatory bowel diseases. Crohn’s disease can affect the entire digestive tract from mouth to anus, while ulcerative colitis is limited to the colon and rectum.

But in both cases, symptoms include abdominal pain, chronic diarrhoea (sometimes bloody), and loss of appetite and weight.

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) help to reduce inflammation and repair the intestinal walls. Local application of MSCs is also effective for perianal fistulas in Crohn’s disease.

Clinical trials for these stem cell therapies are underway, notably in Turkey, a country at the forefront of this field.

Pancreatitis: MSCs to regenerate the pancreas

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas. It is often caused by gallstones or chronic alcoholism. The symptoms are intense abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.

MSC therapies are being considered to regenerate damaged pancreatic tissue and modulate inflammation. Clinical trials are currently underway.

Cirrhosis and hepatic steatosis: MSCs to repair the liver

  • Non-alcoholicfatty liver disease (NAFLD) is an accumulation of fat in the liver. It has nothing to do with excessive alcohol consumption. Rather, it is linked to obesity or diabetes in particular. It can progress to steatohepatitis (NASH) with inflammation and fibrosis, and then to cirrhosis;
  • Liver fibrosis is an abnormal accumulation of tissue that gradually replaces the liver cells. The liver then becomes increasingly dysfunctional;
  • Cirrhosis is a serious chronic liver disease. It is the progressive phase of fibrosis.

The anti-fibrotic, anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties of MSCs are therefore being studied in particular in these pathologies. Phase I and II trials have demonstrated the safety of MSC infusions in various patients. And an improvement in liver function.

Whether it’s modulating inflammation, regenerating tissue or restoring organ function, stem cell therapies give patients suffering from these diseases hope for the future. And Turkey has every intention of playing a major role in these therapeutic advances.

Stem cells, a new lease of life in the field of pneumology

Cell therapy is also eagerly awaited in the field of pulmonology. But which chronic lung diseases could benefit?

Cystic fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease that mainly affects the lungs and digestive system. It is characterised by thick, viscous secretions that obstruct the respiratory and digestive tracts. This leads to recurrent lung infections, digestive problems and, in children, stunted growth.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) is a generic term that encompasses COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and emphysema. The airways become progressively obstructed. Breathing becomes difficult. Other symptoms include chronic cough, mucus production and breathlessness.

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is a rare disease in which the lungs develop progressive scarring for unknown reasons. As with liver fibrosis, the lungs find it increasingly difficult to function normally. And patients are always short of breath.

These diseases have many points in common. And current treatments are mainly aimed at relieving the symptoms. That’s why stem cell therapy is raising great hopes for regenerating damaged lung tissue.

Stem cell therapies for these lung diseases

Several approaches are currently being studied:

  • Injection of mesenchymal stem cells, which have anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties. They could help repair lung damage in COPD, emphysema and pulmonary fibrosis. Early clinical trials have shown encouraging results.
  • Endobronchial administration of stem cells to treat severe emphysema. One study reported an improvement in respiratory function and quality of life at 12 months.
  • The use of genetically modified stem cells to deliver therapeutic genes into the lungs of cystic fibrosis patients. This is still at the experimental stage.

Turkey is heavily involved in research into stem cell therapies for chronic lung diseases. Its specialist centres, particularly in Istanbul, are actively involved in international clinical trials. Turkish teams are working in particular on optimising protocols for administering inhaled or endobronchial MSCs, a promising approach for targeting the lungs.

Stem cell therapy in Turkey: overcoming reproductive disorders

Reproductive disorders, whether male or female, have a major impact on the quality of life and well-being of couples. But here too, stem cell therapies offer new prospects.

Early menopause: stem cells to restart the ovarian clock

Early menopause is when menstruation stops before the age of 40. It is caused by premature depletion of the ovarian oocyte reserve. The symptoms are the same as those of the menopause (hot flushes, vaginal dryness, etc.), with the added risk of infertility.

But injecting stem cells into the ovaries could regenerate this ovarian reserve. Encouraging trials have reported a resumption of menstruation and even spontaneous pregnancy in some patients. All the more reason to give hope to women affected by this pathology.

Erectile dysfunction: stem cells to put things right

Erectile dysfunction is the inability to obtain or maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual intercourse. It can have psychological, vascular, neurological or hormonal causes.

Early trials have shown that injecting stem cells into the penis can improve erectile function. An innovative approach to treating this disorder that affects many men.

Endometriosis: stem cells to unravel the mystery

The lining of the uterus is called the uterine mucosa.
Women with endometriosis have this lining which develops abnormally outside the uterus, on the ovaries, fallopian tubes or peritoneum.

It causes pelvic pain, heavy and painful periods and sometimes infertility. The causes of this disease are still unknown. But the hypothesis of endometrial stem cells disseminated throughout the body seems very coherent.

In this case, cell therapy could make it possible to specifically target these abnormal cells. A fascinating way of unlocking the mysteries of this disease.

Menstrual disorders: stem cells to help menstruation

Menstrual disorders include irregular periods, painful periods, periods that are too heavy or even absent. These disorders can be due to hormonal imbalances, uterine abnormalities, endometriosis, etc

Stem cell therapies could offer new options for regulating cycles and relieving symptoms. Research is underway to develop these techniques.

Several well-known clinics in Turkey, such as the Fertility Crete MAP centre and NBScience, are already offering stem cell treatments for infertility and erectile dysfunction. They are giving new hope to the millions of people affected by these disorders.

Immune system: a solution for autoimmune diseases and transplants?

The immune system is our shield to protect us from external aggression. Unfortunately, in some cases, it mistakenly starts attacking healthy tissues in our bodies. These are known as autoimmune diseases. What are they?

Multiple sclerosis

In multiple sclerosis, immune cells destroy the myelin sheath that surrounds the nerve fibres in the brain and spinal cord, causing motor, sensory and cognitive problems.


Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease that attacks the skin, joints and sometimes even the kidneys, heart or lungs.
The symptoms of SLE vary greatly from person to person, the most common being intense fatigue, joint pain, skin rashes and headaches.

Rheumatoid arthritis

In rheumatoid arthritis, the immune system gradually destroys the cartilage. This causes chronic inflammation of the joints, with severe pain and deformity, mainly in the hands, wrists and feet.


Yes, allergies are also maladaptive immune reactions. But they are not autoimmune diseases in the strict sense of the word. This time, the attacks are directed against normally harmless external substances (allergens) such as pollen, dust mites, certain foods, etc. They manifest themselves through respiratory, skin or digestive symptoms.

Stem cells offer interesting solutions to these immune disorders.

Stem cell therapy to reset the immune system

We have already touched on the subject of haematopoietic stem cell transplants for the treatment of leukaemia. In the case of autoimmune diseases, doctors use them in certain severe forms of multiple sclerosis, lupus or polyarthritis, to ‘reset’ the immune system after chemotherapy.

This radical approach eliminates self-reactive immune cells and generates a new, tolerant immune system.
The results are impressive, with prolonged remissions and even cures.

Different stem cells to treat autoimmune diseases

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are of great interest in treating these diseases. They can regulate excessive immune responses and promote the regeneration of damaged tissue. Clinical trials are underway to assess their effectiveness in multiple sclerosis, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, with encouraging initial results. MSCs could also be of interest in the treatment of severe allergies.

Organ and tissue transplants: stem cells to change the game

In the field of transplants, stem cells offer promising new prospects for :

  • Increase the number of organs available for transplantation:

1) By making it possible to “grow” new functional organs in the laboratory from the patient’s own stem cells (tissue bioengineering). This could alleviate the current shortage of donor organs.
2) Byrepairing damaged organs previously considered non-transplantable, using regenerative cell therapy.

  • Improving graft survival and function after transplantation:

1) By treating the damage caused during the removal and preservation of the organ, thanks to the regenerative properties of stem cells.
2) By promoting better integration of the graft and its revascularisation, via the secretion of growth factors by the stem cells.

  • Reducing graft rejection and the need for immunosuppressants

Graft rejection works on the same principle as the autoimmune diseases we have just seen. The immune system does not recognise the foreign body and attacks it.
Several clinical trials have already shown encouraging results, notably with the injection of MSCs to prevent the rejection of kidney, liver or heart transplants.

  • Treating post-transplant complications such as fibrosis or stenosis

Cell therapies are therefore set to revolutionise the field of transplants, by meeting the challenges of organ shortage, rejection and post-transplant complications.

What does the future hold for stem cell therapy in Turkey?

A new era in medicine is underway. Fascinating! We are at a turning point… Fundamental research into stem cells is beginning to translate into concrete clinical applications.

Trials are multiplying. Results are accumulating. And the evidence of efficacy is mounting. We are in the process of moving from a medicine of treatment to a medicine of regeneration, capable of healing where we were only able to relieve.

And in this race towards the future, Turkey has a head start. With its cutting-edge medical infrastructure and teams of highly qualified researchers and clinicians, it is already a leading destination for innovative cellular treatments.

Patients from all over the world come to Turkey for stem cell therapies in fields as varied as neurology, cardiology and aesthetic medicine.

The quality of care, the expertise of the teams and the competitive prices attract men and women seeking the most advanced therapies.

While many countries, particularly in Europe, are still struggling to incorporate cellular therapies into their clinical practice, held back by restrictive regulations, Turkey is a trailblazer and a role model.

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About the author


My name is William Royer and I am a medical writer experienced in writing complex scientific data. I specialise in immunology and haematology. I find great inspiration in working closely with a variety of healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses and patient advocates. I also publish reviews.