Abdominal Liposuction in Turkey

liposuction 1
Written by Émilie

Focus on tummy tuck liposuction in Turkey! What is the average price in Istanbul? Our advice for a successful tummy tuck in Turkey.

BestClinic.co.uk provides information on abdominal liposuction in Turkey and helps you book an operation with qualified surgeons. This content is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional.

Price of tummy tuck liposuction in Turkey

The average price of a tummy tuck in Turkey in Istanbul is €2,200, with a minimum price of €1,900 and a maximum price of €2,400. The operation is performed under general anaesthetic and lasts 2 hours. The length of stay in Istanbul is 7 days, and the hospital stay is 1 night. The price includes the anaesthetic, the operation and the medication. The final result is visible within 6 months.

Abdominal liposuction2200 €
Liposuction of the hips1600 €
Liposuction of the buttocks2200 €
Liposuction of the pubis1400 €

Repeated pregnancies, a succession of diets or heredity, the stomach can accumulate excess fat. The abdominal belt is certainly the most difficult part of the body to melt away. An unsightly bulge that even sport, let alone dieting, cannot make disappear.

Medical tourism is an increasingly common practice. Liposuction of the tummy is carried out by experienced plastic surgeons. In Turkey, this is combined with excellent care and lower prices than in other countries. Why not travel to Istanbul for abdominal liposuction in Turkey?

Simulation avant et après la liposuccion du ventre
Simulation before and after abdominal liposuction

What is tummy liposuction?

Tummy liposuction is a cosmetic surgery procedure in Turkey that involves removing excess fat from the abdomen area. The aim is to get rid of the fat deposits that diets or sporting activities have failed to remove. The aim is to regain or enhance a harmonious figure. This procedure is suitable for both men and women.

Although it removes excess fat, tummy liposuction does not treat visceral fat. This cosmetic surgery procedure is therefore not suitable for treating overweight or obesity. Instead, it treats love handles, saddlebags and excess fat following pregnancy, dieting or hormonal changes.

Simulation avant et après la liposuccion du ventre
Simulation before and after abdominal liposuction

This minimally invasive surgical procedure involves making small incisions in the skin to allow cannulas to be inserted. The cannulas suck out the fatty deposits in certain areas of the abdomen, particularly under the skin below and around the navel.

The adipose tissue found there has a soft, sparse texture. It is easily aspirated. Liposuction does not affect deep abdominal fat, near the intestine and inside the abdomen.

Carried out as an outpatient procedure, it is entrusted to an experienced plastic surgeon for satisfactory results, body contouring and a guaranteed flat stomach.

Before and after photos

What are the advantages of liposuction of the tummy?

While most candidates for liposuction of the tummy aspire to a flat stomach, this cosmetic surgery primarily helps to harmonise the figure. It makes it possible to get rid of those unsightly localized rolls of fat, particularly around the hips. Of course, when the excess fat is removed, the abdomen is smoother and flatter.

Video of tummy tuck liposuction
  • In men, tummy liposuction can be combined with abdominal liposculpture. This involves reshaping the muscles of the abdominal belt using a very specific technique.
  • For women, liposuction of the tummy can be combined with liposuction of the thighs or knee for a harmonious figure.

Who is eligible for tummy tuck liposuction in Turkey?

This cosmetic surgery operation is available to both men and women with localised excess fat. It is suitable for patients with an average BMI and skin that has retained its elasticity.

Calcul de l'IMC
Calculating BMI

The procedure can be unsuccessful for people with excess skin or muscular slackening after weight loss. In this case, another type of plastic and aesthetic surgery may be considered: abdominoplasty.

Liposuction of the abdomen in Turkey is available from the age of 18, in patients whose weight is stable and whose skin is elastic. If you are overweight and want a flat stomach, we recommend that you lose weight before considering liposuction of the stomach.

What are the different abdominal liposuction techniques in Turkey?

In Turkey, and particularly in Istanbul, the clinics are equipped with the best medical infrastructure and cutting-edge technology for achieving impeccable tummy liposuction. You can choose from more than one abdominal liposuction technique:

Simulation avant et après la liposuccion du ventre
Simulation before and after tummy liposuction
  • Liposuction: this is the classic technique for removing excess localised fat using cannulas.
  • Vaser lipo, a high-definition laser technique that uses ultrasound to destroy excess fat cells, before extracting the fat more easily using micro-cannulas.
  • Gentle liposuction: this treatment is used to remove a small tummy with little fat. Small cannulas or a syringe are used to remove a small amount of fat.

How is tummy tuck liposuction performed in Turkey?

To consider liposuction of the tummy in Turkey, you need to have already chosen a clinic in Istanbul. Once you have chosen a clinic, a first virtual appointment will allow you to get to know your surgeon and explain your objectives and expectations.

Silhouette féminine
Female figure

The first consultation

This initial remote consultation will enable us to examine your body and determine the areas to be treated. During this clinical examination, the surgeon will also explain the risks and contraindications of such an operation.

He will also tell you what precautions to take before the operation (stopping smoking, drinking alcohol, taking medication, etc.). He may also ask you to have a pre-operative check-up. People with HIV are eligible for this surgery.

The second consultation

Once you arrive in Istanbul, you will have a second consultation with the surgeon. This appointment will allow him or her to examine your tummy and make a final assessment of the operation and the necessary preparations. You will also meet theanaesthetist to define the type of anaesthetic that will be used on the big day.

Tracé d'un chirurgien sur le ventre d'un patient
Surgeon’s drawing on a patient’s stomach

The operation

On D-day, you will be taken care of by the medical team. The treatment is usually carried out under general anaesthetic. However, in the case of gentle liposuction, a local anaesthetic may be used. The procedure lasts between 1 and 2 hours.

Using a surgical felt-tip pen, the cosmetic surgeon will mark out the area to be treated. After disinfecting the abdomen, he will make hidden incisions in the crease of the navel. He will then insert a cannula connected to a suction device.

Once all the fat has been removed, the surgeon carefully seals the incisions. At the end of the procedure, he dresses the scar.

Tracé pour une liposuccion des hanches et des cuisses
Outline for liposuction of the hips and thighs

The abdominal operation will then be followed by a recovery period of 2 to 4 hours or an overnight stay in the clinic, followed by 2 to 3 days’ rest to recover properly. You will also be prescribed painkillers. After this recovery time, you can resume your active life. Regular check-ups with the surgeon are planned.

After the operation

For several days, you will have to wear a compression corset to prevent the accumulation of blood or the appearance of oedema and haematomas. Bruising may appear in the treated area in the first few weeks after the operation.

This will diminish after 6 to 8 weeks. After 6 months, all traces of your abdominal liposuction in Turkey will diminish. You may also notice skin retraction.

Simulation avant et après une liposuccion du ventre
Simulation before and after abdominal liposuction

For the results of tummy liposuction in Turkey to be impeccable, it is advisable to adopt a healthy, balanced diet to prevent weight regain. You can maintain your figure by exercising regularly.

Risks, complications and side effects

There may be some rare risks during liposuction of the abdomen:

  • Bluish bruising ;
  • Numbness and bruising;
  • Skin necrosis;
  • Heart and kidney problems;
  • Changes in skin colour;
  • Swelling.

That’s why you should trust us to help you choose your surgeon in Istanbul, and opt for a reputable and experienced practitioner.

Note that in the Islamic religion, abdominal liposuction is not haram. It is accepted if it is intended to remove a defect affecting the body.

A wheelchair hire service is available to help you get around during your stay in Istanbul and in our establishment.

What are the risks of liposuction of the tummy?

Apart from swelling, oedema and bruising, liposuction of the tummy is an operation with few risks. It is a safe procedure when performed by an experienced surgeon. The only risk is perforation of the intestine as the cannula passes through the abdomen.

Hence the importance of choosing your surgeon carefully and opting for a reputable practitioner with experience.

Coordinatrice avec une patiente
Medical coordinator with a patient

In Istanbul, you have the best practitioners of cosmetic surgery and medicine in the world. They are in demand everywhere and their reputation extends beyond Europe. They have performed thousands of liposuctions with a 95% success rate.

If you’re having trouble making a choice, we can help you make a success of your procedure, and at a reduced rate.

Enjoy a FREE evaluation!

On request and
with no obligation on your part.

100% free consultation. We analyse your situation, your needs and your expectations. And we estimate the budget required for : Flight + Hotel + Taxi + Treatment.

At all times, you retain complete control over the process. Total peace of mind.

FAQ – Frequently asked questions

How long does abdominal liposuction last in Turkey?

Liposuction of the tummy involves the permanent removal of fat cells. In theory, it can therefore last a lifetime. However, you must be careful not to put on too much weight, as this could lead to a recurrence.

Liposuction is a surgical operation known to cause moderate to intense pain during convalescence. The doctor will talk to you about this when you make contact, to prepare you psychologically for the procedure.

With an estimated success rate of 90%, liposuction is a fairly well-controlled surgical operation in Turkey. Nevertheless, it is imperative to ensure that you turn to good clinics, equipped with competent surgeons.

The advantage of liposuction is that the fat cells are removed mechanically, and therefore permanently. All you need to do is exercise and eat a healthy diet to keep the area intact.

Since abdominal liposuction involves the removal of fat cells, it makes sense to lose weight afterwards. This weight loss is moderate, however, and is estimated at between 2 and 5 kg.

The abdominal liposuction operation takes about 2 hours. However, pre- and post-operative procedures must also be taken into account. This is why this type of operation requires a 7-day stay in Turkey.

About the author


My name is Emilie Gervais and I live in Istanbul, Turkey. I am a medical writer with extensive scientific knowledge and over 15 years' experience in cancer research and molecular biology. I have experience in congress organisation and project management. I have the ability to convey complex medical and scientific concepts to a variety of audiences through a variety of media, including this website as a medium for my writing.